All Signs

With the exception of nine of you, who read A Remembrance of Things Past? But here's A Warning of Things Future. Valentine's Day weekend is crunchy. Four times a year, the Full Moon occurs in fixed signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. (This makes the pressure more intense.) On Feb. 13th & 14th, the Moon is void-of-course (goofy time and bad to shop). By Saturday, a hazy euphoria makes people get "over-served" with booze and drugs because let's-go-for-it Jupiter opposes Neptune (confusion, drugs and illusion.) Then -- just before Sunday's Full Moon -- Mars (war) conjuncts Pluto (destruction). At best, it's a Blues Brothers movie. At worst, conflict, violence and crimes are triggered by drug abuse, disillusionment and bad Valentine's gifts. (Shop ahead of time!) Don't have unrealistic expectations. Think: "I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather -- not screaming and yelling like the passengers in his car."

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Despite the heavy warning (above) for next week, this week you're empowered, powerful and sensible. Your thinking cap is on! (Of all your hats that one suits you best.) Discussions with friends who are older and more experienced than you can help you reach a deeper understanding of religious, political, and philosophical issues. Clean up fuzzy details about travel, publishing, the media, and higher education. Think about how you can reduce waste and conserve what you have through your daily habits. Mort Sahl said, "Liberals feel unworthy of their possessions. Conservatives feel they deserve everything they've stolen."

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

This is a wonderful week to plan ahead by talking to VIPs, parents and bosses. This is something you naturally do very well because you are inclined to take the long-range view of things anyhow. You really want to clean up your act now. You want to be on top of your banking and financial scene. You're ready to face the harsh reality of what you owe and what you own. You are effective and unusually resourceful sorting through shared possessions, dealing with taxes and debt, and deciding how to share responsibilities for others. In other words, it's easy for you to do what you do best right now. You're going to shower, get dressed and go to the bank.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

This week involves the skillful juggling of others: partners, friends, clients and the public. And you pull this off very smoothly. (We expected no less.) Heart to heart discussions can really get to the bottom of things now. You're not afraid of confrontation. You'll even stand up to your mother-in-law. What you're trying to do is improve things -- globally and locally. You want to fix situations that you've been unhappy with for some time now. You're not going to put up with this stuff anymore. This doesn't mean you're running around on a rebellious rampage. Quite the opposite. You're calm, cool and collected. "Just the facts ma'am."

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

This is the perfect week to throw yourself into organizing tasks that you've been procrastinating about. Most of you have a lot of "stuff." You can't throw it away because "I might use this someday." Now is the time to tackle those horror stories. Go down to the basement. Look in closets. Tackle plumbing problems, garbage areas, and bathrooms. Throw out junk. Go back and throw out some more. High-grade stuff and give it to charity. You'll feel so on top of your game after you do this -- you'll love yourself. (And look at how much room you have now for more?) Finish taxes, insurance matters and repairs you've successfully avoided. Just do it.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

It's time to confront people or a powerful group. (Yes, Darth Vader's at the door. But remember your Jedi training -- you can handle this.) Discussions with older and wiser (you know Obi-Wan?) individuals can put you back on the straight and narrow. You can make great strides with children, their education, and improving your relationships with them. (Never raise your hand to a child -- it exposes your midriff.) In many big and small ways, you can improve your relationships with others. Especially those who are closest. Experts, consultants and advisers have something solid to offer you now. This advice can favorably impact your life for a long time in the future.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

This is a wonderful time to make improvements at home. Tackle repairs, work in laundry areas, clean up garbage, fix plumbing problems, and get rid of needless possessions and junk. Similarly, you can improve and reform the dynamics of your relations with family members. It's clean up time! Keep in mind that what you do should improve or better the lives of everyone, not just your own. While this is going on in your private life, use every resource available to you to solidify your Grand Plan for your career. Improve relations with bosses. Thomas Jefferson advised that "Delay is preferable to error" but now is the time for action.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

This is a good week to solidify travel plans and sort out vacation preferences. You might come up with a more conservative and cost-saving result that in the long run suits you better. Conversations with siblings, relatives and neighbors can accomplish much now especially through joint efforts to clean up some particular situation. You want to get to the bottom of things and voice your opinions about circumstances you've been putting up with to keep the peace. You have the courage to do it now. Work for solutions that are mutually beneficial. Pluto is in the picture and Pluto demands that you improve things for everyone not just yourself.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

This is a strong week for you. Use your smarts to figure out how to use your money, collateral, joint holdings and resources to make improvements to your family and living scene. Tackle repairs and fix things that are broken. Clean up and toss stuff out. (You're great at this.) Talk to financial advisers about taxes, insurance matters, estates, wills and all that red tape. You're looking to your long-term future now. You want to solidify your holdings. Look around your home and ask yourself what you can conserve? Although I've never figured this out, they say it's not what you earn -- it's what you save that makes the difference.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Powerful conversations with others take place this week. (Could be siblings, relatives and neighbors.) Secrets might come out. Basically, you want to make changes to your environment. You want to improve things. You're not happy with how things are running on a day-to-day basis. You have felt this way for some time, but now you're ready to face others -- even a group -- to introduce reform and clean up the situation. You can help others do this as well. Whatever you do is bound to benefit others as well as yourself right now. What it comes down to is you're taking responsibility for your life. Yikes. Kinda scary. (But how grown-up!) Mom would be proud.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You're great at taking a long view of things. You don't just think about today -- you intend to be around tomorrow. (In style.) This week you can deal with government officials and large institutions to reform your job come up with better ways of earning a living. You see how to downsize, streamline and conserve what you already have. You're not afraid of getting rid of what is no longer needed or has out lived its usefulness. Because of this you can order your affairs and get better organized at work. (You love this.) Once you're on top of your scene, you can buy new duds -- power outfits -- to show the world you know how to spell your last name.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Its High Noon and you're strolling down the middle of Main Street. You're ready to take on the town. You can confront the group (or possibly a friend) to make sweeping changes so that things work more smoothly in the future. This could apply to education, show business, the entertainment world or the hospitality industry. You want a clean sweep. You feel like John Wayne driving James Bond's Aston Martin. (It feels gooood.) Power at your fingertips. Sure there's a little conflict on the sidelines. But it's nothing you can't handle. Look at all those buttons on the dash. (Don't squat with your spurs on.)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Many signs will make changes and improvements in their lives now. However, the advances you introduce will be more subtle and in your interior life. You're doing a lot of soul-searching. You feel ambitious but you're not quite sure what to do. You want ways to improve your job or find better work. But how exactly? Any research you do this week will give you good results. Don't just think about how much money you can earn. Think about how you can make things better for everyone around you. Ironically, it is this altruistic impulsive that will put you in a better scene where you probably make more money. Go figure.