The New Moon in February ushers in the Chinese New Year and the Year of the Goat. This event technically takes place in Aquarius at 2:48 a.m. PST on Sunday Feb. 1. That gives a Uranian (Uranus rules Aquarius) flavour to this coming year. And to be sure, next month Uranus does change signs for the first time in 8 years by moving into Pisces. This means there'll be lots of changes for everyone. (What! More change?) Change is exciting but it is also challenging and exhausting. (Although finding it under sofa cushions is always nice.) There will also be an increase in character density. That's the number of very weird people you encounter at work. Oh well, everything is relative. Your glass is either half empty, or half full -- or maybe it's just twice as large as it needs to be?
This is an upbeat, exciting time for you. Pleasant unexpected situations occur with travel, meeting unusual people, and being pleased with cool opportunities connected with publishing, higher education and legal matters. Some of you might have an urge to run off somewhere and be a missionary or work in a soup kitchen. That's because a lovely combination of wanting to seek adventure plus wanting to help others is at work here. Add this to the fact that you are generous, kind and love new untried territory, and you can see where all this could fit in nicely to an unexpected little adventure. Follow your urge to do the highest good.
You are much more sensitive to the world in general right now. You truly appreciate the suffering of others and the needs of those around you. This might even trigger some soul-searching that ultimately shifts or changes your long-term goals for the future for yourself. You might question if what you are doing is meaningful. You want to use your resources and the resources of others to make the world a better place. You feel enormously idealistic right now. That doesn't preclude you enjoying good food, good wine, and good sex -- you can still have these things. But perhaps you see where you can do more.
Exciting changes connected with publishing, foreign travel, dealing with other cultures, and exploring new ideas bring a breath of fresh air to your life. It's easy to meet people who are stimulating and different. Not only are these people intriguing, they trigger thought-provoking ideas within you. These ideas ultimately affect what you write, what you think about and even what you believe. It's fun growth. At least you will enjoy yourself. At the most you will experience some truly consciousness expanding ideas and teachings. You're a happy camper because you love learning new things. And if your brain begins to reel from all this intellectual stimulus -- make a cheese dip.
Be careful about excessive or over-the-top decisions about your partner's earnings, the property of others or anything that you own jointly with someone else. The degree to which you are responsible for someone or something is a strong concern for you. It's been going on for a long time, but it is in sharp focus right now. Your own efforts at work or the collective efforts of yourself and others make you see how much you can actually contribute to someone or something. You might be shocked at the range of possibilities available to you. In these tense, troubling times, it's easy to wonder what an ordinary person can do. But it's just ordinary people who are causing the problems.
This is a wonderful time for your sign. The only downside is you're still fatigued. Bummer. Watchyagonnado? You muddle through. Fortunately romance, vacations, bursts of creativity, fun, playful times with children, and schmoozing with friends are all wonderfully excellent. Be open to lessons that you can learn by dealing with close partnerships and the public. Others can teach you a lot now whether you want to learn it or not. Be careful also not to overextend yourself. You are so tempted to do this. (And it's your style.) You can't be all things to all people; sometimes you can't even answer your phone. That's quite all right. They'll call back.
You're gung ho to get things done now. Your Inner Martha is activated and you've eaten your spinach. This high-energy and sense of purpose now shifts to someone at home or another family member. You want to genuinely lend your efforts to help somebody. You might want to lend your to truck move someone. (Draw the line at burying the body.) Essentially, you see where others need your help and you are willing to extend a hand. Energy put out trying to make your place more luxurious and comfortable will also please you now. Renovations, decorating, and tweaking your pad get great results.
No matter how hard you're working, you must take some time now for pleasure. Everything to do with romance, love affairs, joy, amusements, professional sports, movies, theatre, the arts -- this is where it's at for you. You want to have fun! You want to be in love and have great places to go. You want to be in a Hollywood movie. Your creative expression knows no bounds! Your interaction with children is excellent. New love can flourish. Enjoy a fling with friends and party your face off. In varying degrees -- some of this will happen to you. Might be small, might be outrageous. (Are you ready for your close-up now?)
Many of you will spend money now to help a family member. You are unusually perceptive to the needs of others, especially loved ones at this time. Because of this you're willing to help someone in any way that you can. If you do spend money, you will lend your effort, your energy or your practical help. Personally, you'd like to blow a little cash on something beautiful and luxurious for yourself as well. That could happen because what goes around comes around. (Generosity always pays off.) It's a good thing to focus on your private life right now as well as your family. Expect exciting, fun times.
Life is far more exciting now! New people, new faces, new places, even different languages and exotic surroundings give you a super lift. You are learning new and different things. This is such a turn on for you. You adore travel and exploring new ideas. Being able to meet fascinating strangers and learn new and different ways of living expands your world. It's good to be alive right now. New course work, studies, unusual reading as well as joy in driving and visiting different places make you unusually enthusiastic about life. Nothing is quite the same. Yay!
Keep your eyes opened because you can really earn some money right now. New job offers, bright new ideas at work, new ways to impress the right people, opportunities for promotion -- something can make a difference now to your employment scene. Similarly, you're spending your money in an unusual way as well. Fun times, unusual objects, original art, technology and toys make you pull out the plastic. Everything to do with your cash flow and earning powers is subject to change. New insights might even alter your thoughts about how you want to make a living. Either way -- there's money in them thar hills.
Lots of zappy energy is flying around this week. And most of it's good. You feel close, sensitive and affectionate with your friends. You might want to join a worthy cause or work with a group on behalf of a charity. (One friend in particular might promise you some personal charity just out of the kindness of their throbbing little heart.) Yes, friends can become lovers; lovers can become friends. Fun parties guarantee good times. You're seeking an exciting departure from your daily routine. The difference this time is that not only are you seeking this kind of stimulation -- you'll actually find it. Another weird possibility is a friend could suggest an unusual or new way of earning money for you. It could involve science, technology, radio or aviation.
It's a curious mixture for your sign this week. One part of you secretly wants to save the world because your greatest fulfillment comes to you now through activities that benefit others. You might get involved in charity work or working in hospitals or institutions for the sick or disadvantaged. Religious and spiritual groups appeal to you now as well. In addition to this impulse, you also have a desire to seek private time to reflect and relax. Questions of direction, service, goals and worthiness are some of things you're mentally toying with. It's not easy to know the best way to live your life. And we are never used to making choices. (The main reason people go to work on Wednesday is that they were at work Tuesday.)