Yay! Mercury retrograde is over. This ends hindrances to ground transportation, confused communications and goof ups. Now Venus is lined up with Pluto. Venus is what we're attracted to; Pluto adds intense obsession to this attraction. Rocky can say, "You gotta do what you gotta do," but this can be ruthless and narrow minded. It can trigger disastrous power struggles. I sometimes tell clients to "create a space" between two events by stopping, closing your eyes, and counting eleven breaths. (One breath is a cycle of in and out.) If something grabs you by the throat, try this. What have you got to lose? You're going to take those next eleven breaths anyhow -- why not use them to become more aware? Wherever you go, there you are. (Your luggage is another story.)
Admit it. You love a rousing debate. (I'm being polite here.) You might feel very intensely about certain subjects right now: publishing, the media, higher education, religion, politics or legal matters. Because you tend to jump in into situations headfirst, you think action brings results. And it does -- but not all the time. Sometimes inaction is the best choice. This is not the week to convince others how wrong they are. You're talking to deaf ears. (There are none so deaf as those wearing Walkmans.) Let go of your desire to win. Not winning doesn't mean losing. (Anyhow, it's not who wins the game that counts; it's who has the cutest uniform.)
For the most part, you're polite and easygoing. But you are not casual about money and your possessions. (Oh no.) Right now you might feel indignant about shared property, what someone owes you, what someone has taken from you, what somebody else expects you to share or how someone treats your possessions. This will get you steamed. (Probably, rightly so.) Similarly, you might feel unusually sexually intense. Either way, this creates a disturbance to your peace of mind. If you react negatively, you will weaken your position and worsen the relationship. Think carefully about what your longterm objective is. Pick your fights and bide your time. (You're good at this.)
There's a good chance that you're experiencing jealousy, guilt or negative emotions with a partner or close friend. Maybe you think you know what's best. Naturally, they're not following your advice. (And after all those books you've read - duh?) Possibly, someone else is trying to pull this on you. (Even though you've read all those books!) Avoid meddling; and don't let others meddle in your affairs either. Expressions of anger are not cathartic. In fact, they trigger internal arousal systems that promote further anger. Best to back off. Don't read a book about anger management. Read something light -- brain candy. Relax.
You might be having a love affair at work. Or you might be going nuts trying to push through ideas that you know will improve things. Or maybe somebody else is trying to tell you how to do your job. Whatever is going down -- you feel that there's a lot at stake right now. But you know, when the annals of history are written, this stuff won't even rate a footnote. Step back and give the situation more space and air. Pretend that you've been meditating: you have detachment, an objective viewpoint, hey - you're practically enlightened. (But the thing you keep wondering is -- if there's no self, whose arthritis is this?)
You probably know that Leo is the sign of children (along with royalty, romance, show business and gorgeous pieces of one-of-a-kind jewelry.) Leos have strong opinions about children and how to raise them. Leos also have strong opinions about romance. (Actually, Leos have strong opinions about practically everything.) Avoid power struggles with lovers or children right now. Avoid being the know-it-all with younger people. Even if you do know it all, you know they don't want to hear it. (Get real.) Fortunately, you have largess. Sit back and be silent and wise. The antidote to anger is patience. (And the antidote to depression is a million bucks.)
Gads, things are pretty intense at home. Family members (including you) have a strong agenda right now. All this intensity could manifest in power plays between people. However, it can also manifest as broken appliances, or something going haywire in the midst of a decorating project. The bottom line is: don't get pushy right now. Things don't have to be perfect. Be extra patient with family members, especially parents. (Oy vay.) Isn't it curious how we are the most rude and sarcastic to those we love the most? Go figure. The truth is we feel intensely when we deal with people we love. Strangers - phffft!
Intense exchanges with neighbors, siblings, relatives and daily colleagues are practically unavoidable right now. They might have just happened, or they could be lurking behind the next door. It's important to remember that intense conflict is really upsetting for you. You need harmony in your surroundings to stay healthy and happy. This is not just "feel good" talk, it's the truth. Therefore avoid nasty confrontations. Sidestep power plays. "Slip out the back, Jack ... get on the bus, Gus." Resist the urge to engage. Later, when intense feelings have subsided, you can demonstrate your adroit rationale with diplomatic aplomb. It's a snap.
More than any other sign you understand what it means to be gripped by compulsion and obsession. (You wrote the book.) Right now you're obsessed about something financially. Perhaps you want to buy something yesterday! Or you might feel intensely about how you earn your money, or a hot deal that promises quick cash. Possibly, someone wants to seduce you into parting with your hard earned moolah. Whatever the case, try to be detached. (Ha!) Actually, although you are intense by nature, you are extremely capable when it comes to walking away from a situation. When you draw the line and close the door -- it's done. Forevah!
The celestial activity taking place in your sign is unbelievably intense right now. You're jonesing for something. It's probably High Noon with a partner or close friend. Someone has thrown down the gauntlet. You have high ideals and honesty is tremendously important to you. You won't be jerked around by anyone. Manipulation based on jealousy, power struggles, and an attempt to wield control might be at stake. This messy stuff can create a disturbance in a relatively happy relationship. Ask yourself if it's worth it? Don't blow a good thing. Insecurity can make one excessively jealous and possessive. Meanwhile, freedom is a survival issue for you. (You can see where this is going.) Chill out. But first - a little nosh.
You might (but not necessarily) feel anxious about something right now. You might not even know for sure what it is. Your image matters tremendously to you. You value respect and your good name. Furthermore, you've always had a strong sense of destiny. The saying that you have nothing to fear but fear itself is so true. Behind the scenes forces might be working against you now. Do not respond in kind. Keep to the high road. When you focus on petty jealousy and negativity, it can overtake you. Remain calm; stay positive. This year you step out into the world in a more powerful way. You make a quantum leap (that's the minimum amount by which certain properties of a system can change.) Keep the faith, babes.
You make a wonderful friend but a scary enemy. That's because you're kinda opinionated. (Kinda?) Something tricky is going down with a particular friend or a group right now. You might want to move a platonic relationship to a more intimate plane. You might be unhappy with someone because you feel resentful, jealous or betrayed. Ask yourself what you want in the long run? You can't find perfect people to be your friends. (If you can -- give me their number.) It's been said that that the only really decent thing to do behind a person's back is to pat it. (Corny, but true.) Friends become enemies and enemies become friends. And so it goes.
You want something now: power, success, approbation, or to get in bed with your boss. You face a struggle with authority figures or parents. This struggle ripples down to your home, family and private life. Your desire could upset the proverbial applecart. (sigh) Unless you like applesauce, think twice before you do anything. Remember that if you act with discipline, you'll have no regrets. [If you do something and you don't regret it, you acted with discipline. If you do the same thing and you regret it, you didn't act with discipline. If you don't do something and you regret it, you didn't act with discipline. And if you don't do something and you don't regret it, you acted with discipline.] This does not apply to buying shoes.