There are no restrictions to shopping or important decisions today. The New Moon peaks is in Aquarius at 7:36 AM EST today (4:36 AM PST).
5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult
***** This is a wonderful day to enjoy the company of others. Interactions with clubs and organizations will be positive. Because you're in a great frame of mind, take some time today to think of your future goals. What do you want to achieve this year?
***** You make a fabulous impression on others today, which is why you can do something to advance your cause. Demand the advantage in anything that you want to do, especially if you need approval from authority figures. "More porridge?"
***** Do something to satisfy your urge for exploration. You need a change of scenery! Go someplace you've never been before. Explore your own city. At the very least, visit a new restaurant, shop, park or visit a museum. Shake things up a little!
**** This is an excellent day to negotiate inheritances, shared property or financial disputes because you'll come out smelling like a rose. Figure out how to use today to your advantage in all your negotiations with others. Great day to ask for a loan or a mortgage.
**** Enjoy schmoozing today. For starters, most people feel happy and energetic. In fact, today's New Moon is the perfect day to think about what you can do to improve your closest relationships. (Getting along with those who are close to you makes your life easier.)
***** You couldn't pick a better day to do something to improve your job, your health or anything to do with a pet. Ask for a raise. Look for a better job. Or perhaps, ask for better duties? You might also see ways to improve your health because you're cooking on all six burners today. Go get 'em, Tiger!
***** This is the perfect day to play hooky. Basically, you want to do anything that is entertaining and gives you pleasure. Enjoy sports events, fun activities with children, meeting a friend for lunch or coffee. Grab a matinee. Think of ways that you can improve your future through pleasurable diversions.
***** The New Moon today is the perfect time to think about what you can do to improve your home, as well as what you can do to improve your relations with family members. Because this is one of the loveliest New Moons of the year, relations with family members can be positive.
***** Optimism and freedom of action are survival issues for you. You can sense this today because you're in a positive frame of mind and up for anything! Enjoy schmoozing with others. Decide to learn something new. What can you do to expand your everyday world in a positive way?
***** All things financial will favour you today. That's why this is an excellent day to negotiate with others. You might see ways to boost your income or explore moneymaking ideas. You might buy something for yourself that pleases you. Whatever happens - you will benefit!
***** Today it's a New Moon in Aquarius! Furthermore, this combination includes lucky Jupiter, which means you feel optimistic and glad to be alive! Enjoy socializing with others. Go after what you want.
**** Today you have a warm feeling in your tummy because you feel pleased with yourself. Find a pleasant, private way to relax and enjoy yourself. Take it easy. Think about ways that you might improve or expand where you live. Dream big!
TV personality and businesswoman Oprah Winfrey (1954) shares your birthday today. You are quick-witted, empathetic and inspirational to others. You feel passionate about social causes. Lucky you! This is your year to socialize and enjoy life! Nurture the happiness and beauty you have within yourself. Let your guard down and loosen up a bit! Old friends might reappear.