There are no restrictions to shopping or important decisions today. The Moon is in Pisces.
Today you might be licking your wounds from yesterday's challenges with others, which is why you feel the need to withdraw and seek out some privacy. This is probably a wise decision. Work alone or behind the scenes. However, if social invitations come your way - say yes!
A friend or perhaps someone older or even a member of a group might say or do something that makes you feel diminished. They might be critical of you or question your suggestions. Don't take this to heart. Decide quietly what you want to do on your own so that you feel in control of your world.
You might be challenged when dealing with authority figures today - parents, bosses, VIPs and the police. Because of this, this is a poor day to ask for permission or approval. In fact, you might want to give these people a wide berth because they will discourage you.
Today you might get tangled up or delayed because of rules, regulations and legal issues. People are more concerned about why you can't do something as opposed to why you can. (It's conservative, play-it-safe thinking.) It's in your best interest to follow the rules today.
When you check out your debt today or have discussions with others about shared property, you might be discouraged. Don't let this get you down. Approach things in smaller quantities, incrementally. For example, improve your life by 1% every day. Drip, drip, drip and soon a large pail is full.
Relations with partners and close friends are challenging today because negative thinking and discouragement are pervasive feelings that most people have. ("I'm navel lint.") Don't expect too much from others today. Go with the flow. This too, shall pass.
It might be challenging getting along with coworkers today; however, your greatest challenge will be relating to bosses and supervisors because people are inclined to be critical. Do what is expected of you. Get the job done. Stay positive within your own little world.
Children might be an increased responsibility today. Meanwhile, romantic couples might be discouraged because partners seem to be mean, critical or stingy. (That's no fun.) Many people are uptight today because the Moon is lined up with Saturn. Relax.
Very likely, dealings with a parent or an older family member will discourage you today. You might have to deal with increased responsibilities. Or perhaps, someone is critical and difficult to deal with. We all have good days and bad days. Cope as best you can.
Don't be critical of others today because this brings them down. Why do this? Of course, if you yourself feel down, it's easy to fall into this trap of negative thinking. Don't give in to worry mode today. "Worry is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but gets you nowhere."
Why is there always so much month left at the end of the money? Your finances might be discouraging today. (Join the club, we number millions.) Ironically, this month, money, favours and advantages might come to you. Expect a miracle.
Today the Moon is in your sign lined up with Saturn. The best way to deal with this is to work hard. Duty will be important. You might feel cautious, even inadequate but this is just a brief dark cloud on your horizon. Don't give these negative feelings any fuel or strength. Things will turn out fine.
Actress Amy Adams (1974) shares your birthday today. You are complex, self-contained and mysterious. You are also intelligent, humorous and caring. Take inventory of your life because it's time to let go of people, places from the past of the held you back. This is the last year of a nine-year cycle. Clear the decks!