Avoid shopping or making important decisions from 12 noon to 1 PM EDT today (9 AM to 10 AM PDT). After that, the Moon moves from Scorpio into Sagittarius.
This is an excellent day to make travel plans. (Be smart and avoid the hour of the Moon Alert.) Confidence is high and you feel optimistic! Enjoy interacting with or any opportunity to study and learn something new. You might have strong feelings about controversial issues today.
You have financial savvy, and today is a good day to make important financial decisions. (With the exception of the one-hour Moon Alert - see above.) You might see new ways to restructure debt or restructure a financial deal. You feel confident financially because you're feeling flush.
Enjoy discussions with partners and close friends today because people will be upbeat and friendly. Someone might have strong opinions about a controversial subject. You can listen but you don't have to go along if you don't want to. However, you might learn something new.
Work-related travel is likely for many of you today. Others might see ways to make improvements or introduce reforms where you work. You might even see ways to improve your health. Behind-the-scenes (or secret) advice might encourage you.
This is a lovely, playful day! Romance is favoured. In fact, you might be attracted to someone passionate and intense. Quite possibly, this person might not be good for you but they are irresistible. (You know who you are.) Outdoor sports and entertaining diversions will also appeal, especially with groups.
This is an excellent day to look around where you live and think about what you could do to improve things. Not only might you make improvements, you might see new uses for something that you already own. Perhaps you can use something in a different way? This also applies to real estate.
You're convincing today! Not only will you persuade others to go along with your views, you will be a powerful teacher. Since you have this ability, think twice before you speak. Make sure you have something worthwhile to say. Remember Spiderman: "With great power comes great responsibility."
This is a good day for you to make financial decisions. It's also an excellent day to shop, as well. However, do be aware of the brief hour of the Moon Alert (see above). You have strong opinions today, especially about money, cash flow, earnings and anything that you own.
Today the Moon is in your sign (for most of the day) dancing with both Pluto and Jupiter. This makes you feel powerful, confident, optimistic and intense. This is also why you will likely get your way when going after what you want. Be nice.
You might feel better and achieve the best results by working alone or behind the scenes today. Think about this. Nevertheless, others will be cooperative. You have lots of energy to work and be effective. Likewise, you have energy to play! Be open to new approaches to making money.
You're effective with your friends and members of groups, which is why you are an excellent networker. Today you might find working with children and creative, entertaining diversions to be a source of joy. Meanwhile, someone might have advice about how you can improve your image.
You're high viz. today, which is not a bad thing because you will create an excellent impression on others. People see you as affluent, successful and friendly. They might also see you as a person capable of introducing change.
Actress Gina Rowlands (1930) shares your birthday today. You are forthright, gracious, courageous and tolerant. Nevertheless, you won't hesitate to share your ideas. You'll speak up. Service will be a theme this year, especially to family. Take care of yourself so you can be effective. Perhaps it's time for personal makeover?