There are no restrictions to shopping or important decisions today. The Moon is in Aquarius.
You might deepen a bond with someone older or even someone in a position of authority in a group to which you belong. Or perhaps this older, more experienced person will give you advice today? Someone will say or so something you don't expect.
Today you choose to present an attractive but conservative image to the world. You want respect. You want to look right. You certainly don't want to be flamboyant. Because you have always valued quality, you will know how to strike the right balance. (A boss might surprise.)
You might enjoy the study of history today or take a serious interest in the news. You will also enjoy serious discussions with people who are older or more experienced because you do want to understand more of the world and put things in context.
Someone might give you a practical gift today or do a favour for you that is helpful and meaningful. If you're dealing with a bank or a financial institution, people will respect your request, as long as it is reasonable. Nevertheless, financial matters might surprise you. Stay tuned.
Today it's not easy to express your affection for others; nevertheless, the affection is still there. Saturn is lined up with Venus, which will temper your impulses to express yourself. Some of you might have to say goodbye to someone at this time. Today is definitely a time of sober reflection and quiet feelings.
Today you will work with diligence, especially because you want to earn the favour of someone in authority. Coworkers might think you are a bit distant, but the truth is you don't feel like indulging in your feelings in a public way. Your work routine will be interrupted.
Romantic relationships will be serious today. Nevertheless, affection will be there. Some of you might have to say goodbye to a loved one. Others might feel a bit lonesome or cut off from someone. A relationship that begins now will be long-lived and loyal. Parents: please watch your kids.
A discussion with an older family member will be practical and sober today. Nevertheless, you might cover important ground and be happy with the results. You might also discuss issues that need to be addressed about home expenses or repairs.
When relating to others today, you might be a bit reserved. Someone might think you are cool or standoffish. Actually, you do feel a bit removed, which makes you reluctant to express your feelings. Guard against accidents.
Financial decisions today will be conservative but reliable. You won't take a chance because you want a sure thing. If shopping, you will look for ways to save money and will probably prefer buying practical, long-lasting items. Protect your money and possessions today. Be alert.
Today fair Venus is lined up with Saturn in your sign, which makes you emotionally conservative and reserved. You will be restrained in expressing affection for others, even though you still feel this affection. You might also have to say goodbye to a loved one. Don't do anything you regret later.
It's possible today that you feel a bit lonesome or cut off from others. There seems to be a gap you find difficult to bridge. Fortunately, this is a short-lived influence so don't worry about it. Respect the advice of anyone older or more experienced than you because it will probably be practical and wise.
Actress Diane Lane (1965) shares your birthday today. You are loving, caring and kind. You stand up for your beliefs. You like to participate in charitable activities. This is a fun-loving, playful year! Loosen up! Enjoy socializing with others because this year you have a great zest for life! Old friends may reappear once again.