Avoid shopping or important decisions from 8:30 PM to 9:45 PM EST today (5:30 PM to 6:45 PM PST). After that, the Moon moves from Leo into Virgo.
Surely, you've noticed old friends are popping up into your world. This could be on social media or you might hear from them in a random way. This is an opportunity to catch up and trade lies about the bad old days! (It's good to have history with someone.)
With Mercury going retrograde, you will hear from parents, bosses, teachers and authority figures from your past whom you might not have seen for a while. Be that as it may, be aware this is an influence that is happening for several weeks. (Is the posse after you?)
As Mercury goes retrograde, it will help you to finish school papers and manuscripts or study and research anything. You can also wrap up legal matters or anything to do with publishing, the media and medicine. This particular Mercury retrograde can be useful to you.
Mercury retrograde is a wonderful time to dig into the past and do research and discover solutions to old problems. This particular Mercury retrograde will help you to finish wills, estates and discussions about shared property or inheritances. Use it!
Ex-partners and old friends from your past are back in your world because of Mercury retrograde. This might be a good thing - or not. It depends on how things ended. You are a proud sign, and as the old saying goes - pride goeth before the fall. (I used to think it went before the spring?)
Some Mercury retrogrades are easier than others. The next several weeks might be exasperating because this particular Mercury retrograde will create errors, delays, mixed-up communications, missed papers and broken equipment at work. Argh!
Old flames are back in your world. This can be exciting - or not. (We all have a past.) This particular Mercury retrograde will attract old romantic contacts as well as situations with your kids that are related to the past. Could be a good time to finish something?
Relatives you haven't heard from for a while might be camped on your doorstep. Actually, this is less likely now with the pandemic. Perhaps you're in contact on Facebook? This same influence will help you to finish home repairs.
The next few weeks might be a bit maddening because Mercury retrograde is taking place in a part of your chart which will really create frustration. Expect automobile breakdowns, delayed transportation, delayed deliveries, misplaced paperwork, confused discussions with others. (Run away! Run away!)
Mercury retrograde might create financial delays for you in the next few weeks. A classic example will be that cheques in the mail will arrive late. However, you might be able to resurrect an old idea about making money. Maybe this time it will fly?
Mercury is retrograde for the next several weeks in your sign. This will surely attract all kinds of people from your past out of the woodwork. Aquarians have many friends and many contacts so the list will be endless! Admit it, you'll enjoy this - to a point.
Each Mercury retrograde is different. This Mercury retrograde will affect you for the next month in a way that actually helps you to do research. It will assist you in your efforts to dig deep and find answers to old questions or solutions to old problems. Lucky you!
Singer, songwriter Adam Lambert (1982) shares your birthday today. You can be a brilliant conversationalist. You are wise and every youthful. Happy news! This is your time of harvest, when you will start to reap the benefits of the seeds that you planted in the last several decades. You deserve this time of success! As a result, you might enjoy increased influence and leadership in all your relationships.