Avoid shopping or making important decisions from 5 AM to 1:45 PM EST today (2 AM to 10:45 AM PST). After that, the Moon moves from Pisces into Aries.
You will start to notice a shift in your relations to friends, groups and clubs to which you might belong. Furthermore, your interaction with others might cause you to modify or change your goals for the future. It's an exciting influence.
Your relationship with parents, bosses, teachers and authority figures will start to undergo a major shift in your life beginning now. (You might have already noticed this?) Basically, you are developing more respect for certain authority figures, and this respect is mutual.
Your desire to explore the world, travel and learn more about everything is increasing, and you have noticed this. Of course, you have always been a curious person; but now your curiosity is gaining momentum because you see that it is causing you to expand your world.
You value your security, which is a wise thing. After all, you are a nester. At this time you are seeing better, more solid and reliable ways to establish your security for now in the future. This is good. It gives you a warm feeling in your tummy.
Surely you have noticed that your relations with those who are closest to you (partners, spouses and close friends) are changing? For most of you, these relationships are deepening due to an appreciation of their importance in your life.
We only have one body this go around, so it's important to take care of it. Without our body, it's all over. Recently, and in the future, you will have more respect for taking care of your body and improving your health. You also want to simplify things so that your life can run more smoothly.
Subtle changes are taking place that will be long-lasting. They pertain to how much you value your creativity. They also pertain to your relations with children and possibly even sports. These are all areas where you express yourself.
Issues related to home and family are increasingly important to you now. You see changes that need to be made, including repairs and possible residential moves. Whatever happens will ultimately give you a more reliable base in the world.
Recently (and this will continue into the future) you've been giving more thought to your style of communicating with others. How you talk, think, listen speak is changing. The more you are consciously aware of this, the more quickly you will see its benefit.
You're never casual about money. Lately, you've been thinking more about money and what it can do for you. In part, this is why you will get richer in the next year. However, you will also work hard to increase your assets. "No pain, no gain."
Your world is changing. Perhaps even your appearance is changing. It's totally appropriate to question your values and your life direction because you are heading off on a new journey that will take about 7 to 8 years. It's a journey of reinventing yourself.
Different influences are creating an increasing interest in your spiritual world. Meanwhile, as you look around you, you see that there are things you have to get rid of because they are no longer relevant or useful in your life. It might even include people and relationships that don't cut it anymore
Actress Jane Fonda (1937) shares your birthday today. You are magnetic and dramatic. You are also an idealist. You are talented and personally determined in everything you do. Because you are entering a new cycle, it means it's time to define some future goals to determine what you want for yourself in the next few years. Be confident and physically energetic about going after what you want. Just do it!