There are no restrictions to shopping or important decisions today. The Full Moon is in Aquarius.
Tread carefully today because you might be upset with a friend about a financial matter or a possession or something you own. Meanwhile, a romance might end for discussions with others, especially children might be strained. Oy!
Relations with an authority figure in the family might be difficult today. Someone might be critical of you. (Bummer.) Try not to take this personally. Generally, people are critical of others when there just unhappy with themselves.
You might feel despondent or worried today. Keep in mind that worry is actually a habit. Most of the things we worry about never happen. Sometimes we worry so that we kid ourselves that we're "on duty." Steer clear of discussions about politics, religion and racial issues today.
Financial arguments or arguments about shared property or who owns what might occur today. They might even be about shared responsibilities? Who is responsible? You also might feel cut off from someone today. In fact, for some a relationship might end. Be kind to yourself.
Relations with partners and close friends are tough today. You might feel lonely or cut off from someone. You might see what's wrong with a situation but it's hard to make changes. An unexpected influence from a parent, boss or authority figure might upset things today. Time for dark chocolate.
Relations with romantic partners or children or also sports colleagues might be strained today. People are standoffish or uptight. This could lead to an upset with someone at work or even to do with your health. Take it easy and go with the flow.
This is a difficult day in many respects because dealing with others will be stiff. You might feel critical of them or they might feel critical of you. Furthermore, something unexpected and out of the blue might impact your kids or a support scene and this could be a problem. (Yikes!)
This is a poor day to ask an authority figure for permission or approval about anything. If you do, their response will be, "Talk to the hand!" In addition, relations with a female relative might also be upsetting. Indulge yourself in some way to feel comforted. Ice cream?
Financial matters might create a strain for you at this time. It's the beginning of the month and you already feel broke! This kind of stress can lead to an upset talking to a relative, sibling or neighbour. Perhaps a tiny explosion. It happens. You will survive this.
Quite likely, you will find yourself at odds with someone today and it could relate to shared property, government issues, or something to do with banking, credit, debt and all that fun stuff. ("I lied! So, sue me.") Don't let this get you down. Keep an eye on your money and possessions to avoid loss or surprises.
You've had easier days. Many people are worried today, which makes conversations with others critical or negative. Steer clear of this if you can. Meanwhile, today the Moon is in your sign at odds with your ruler Uranus. This makes you rebellious! Don't do something silly just because you want excitement.
Expect some difficulties dealing with others at work today because pPeople can be negative and critical. Someone might even quit. Fortunately, things are supportive on the home front. Relax at home with good food and drink.
Actor Michael Ealy (1973) shares your birthday today. You are youthful, clever and smart. You enjoy getting attention. This year you will see that service to others, especially within your family, is important. This is why you must take care of yourself so that you are a strong resource for yourself and others. Look around you and invest in the relationships that you value. Hang out with quality people.