We have the "all clear" today to shop and do business. The Moon is in Scorpio.
Today you feel sympathetic to others, especially someone less fortunate. If you can use your own resources or combine the resources of others to help a third party - you will. Hey, you can't help everyone - but everyone can help someone.
A conversation with a partner or close friend will be mutually sympathetic today. You will care for each other and show this affection in some way. This is a good thing. Too often we feel positive feelings for someone but we say nothing.
Things will go well at work today; however, please know that whatever you want to get done will flow easily tomorrow morning! Therefore, make your To Do list now. Get ready and be ambitious! (Many people are catching up on all kinds of stuff while isolated at home.)
This is a playful, fun-loving day! You will enjoy the company of your kids. However, this is a creative day as well for you so you will love to draw, paint, sculpt, sew, knit, write, play music - something! Share your talents on YouTube!
Family discussions will go well today because people feel mutually sympathetic to each other. Being cooped up at home, especially for some busy families, is a challenge! (Aaggh.) But, it has been an opportunity to learn more about each other. (Oops - TMI.)
Today your imagination is in overdrive. In part, this is why you will spend time daydreaming or being lost in a world of fantasy. Naturally, this influence promotes creative writing in fiction and sci-fi. Ideas?
Today you are focused on money. You probably want to shop online for something exotic and exciting. Items that are unusual and luxurious will tempt you. You might want to think twice before you press "Purchase this item!" But then, who loves beautiful things more than you?
Today the Moon is in your sign dancing with mystical Neptune. This makes you feel gentle and sympathetic to everyone around you. (Especially children.) It also heightens your appreciation of beauty. Nevertheless, know that by tomorrow morning, you're in work mode and will get lots done! Plan ahead.
Today you are happy to cocoon, which is why many of you won't mind being in self-isolation. Having said that, your sign more than any other sign, will find it challenging not to be able to go out because you love to be outdoors. What you want overhead is - sky!
It's easy to admire a friend today, which is a nice thing. (Unless they owe you money and want to borrow more.) This is a classic day to lend your efforts (however remotely) to a good cause or a charitable organization that benefits those who are less fortunate. You're good at this.
You are high viz. today. People are actually talking about you. In fact, they might know personal details about your private life for some reason. If you're in self-isolation how did they know this? Well, Instagram and Facebook can be revealing. Watch your step.
In "normal times" you would want to travel today. That's because you're hungry for adventure! You want some stimulation! You need a change of scenery! What to do? Learning something new is your best bet. You can do this by reading a book (remember books?) Or taking a virtual tour of some fabulous place on the Internet. Do something!
Actress Kristen Stewart (1990) shares your birthday today. You are energetic and passionate! You love to socialize and party. Nevertheless, you have lots of common sense. This is your time of harvest! Yay! Now you will begin to reap the benefits of your efforts in the last decade. You deserve this time of success. Expect to enjoy an increased influence and leadership in your relationships. Yes!