Avoid shopping or important decisions from 6 AM to 7:30 AM EDT today (3 AM to 4:30 AM PDT). After that, the Moon moves from Scorpio into Sagittarius.
You might have some kind of an epiphany today or a deep realization about where you are headed and what you want to do with your life. It's like a personal wakeup call. Maybe it's time to get a plan, Stan?
Your interaction with a group might have a powerful effect on you at this time. Their influence or perhaps the influence of an individual can bring about changes that will improve you personally or improve your life in general. This is a good time to grab the reins and steer your life in the direction you want it to go.
Your interactions with bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs is powerful today. (This includes the police.) In fact, you might assert yourself in a way that makes them see you in a new light. (It's all about believing in yourself and acting with personal authority.)
You might feel changed by coming in touch with a new belief system or getting a deeper understanding of a discipline or methodology that can benefit you. Perhaps you underestimated it before? Perhaps you never grasped it? Today you're looking at things with new eyes.
You might take a new approach about how you relate to your debt or how you handle shared property, inheritances, wills and such. The bottom line of your new impulse is simply this: You want to improve things. You want to make them better. That's a great start!
A candid discussion with a friend or partner will be beneficial today because one of you is looking for a way to improve the relationship itself. Obviously, this can be done because there is always room for improvement. You will attract someone powerful to you today.
What can you do to improve your health because that is an important opportunity that is available to you at this time. What we eat and ingest is huge in how it impacts our health and our bodies. (A balanced diet is not a chocolate croissant in each hand.) More's the pity.
Parents might devise a new approach to relating to their kids today. You might also see a better way to introduce a healthy balance between work and play in your life. (North America is a work-obsessed society.) Time for tiddlywinks, anyone?
A conversation with a powerful family member will be memorable today. Meanwhile, look about you because you can introduce improvements to where you live, especially in areas related to garbage, recycling, laundry rooms and bathrooms. Get on it!
You'll have no trouble convincing anyone of anything today because you are persuasive! Oh yes! This is a powerful day for those of you in sales and marketing. It's equally powerful for those of you who teach, act and write. "Now hear this!" "Now hear this!"
Because you're in a resourceful frame of mind today, you might see new uses or applications for something that you own. For example, that juicer you never own could be a table lamp - no? Choosing the right shade will be your challenge.
Take a realistic look in the mirror today and ask yourself what you can do to improve your appearance, and the impression you create on the world. The whole enchilada! Ideas?
Actor Sir Michael Caine (1933) shares your birthday today. You are creative, intelligent and easy-going. People like you. Nevertheless, you know how to convince and persuade. A fun-loving year ahead! Expect to be popular and enjoy warm friendships. This year you will be more grateful for your life and will appreciate the happiness and beauty around you in a daily way. It might be time for an important choice. Choose wisely.