After 8 AM EDT today (5 AM PDT) we have the "all clear" to shop and make important decisions. The Moon is in Cancer.
Aries parents must be alert today because Monday often has a funny, intense energy at the best times, but today, it is an accident-prone time for your kids. Therefore, be vigilant. Keep your eyes open and remove any possible hazards. Meanwhile, social engagements will likely change.
Your home routine will change today because of something unexpected. Grrr. Small appliances might break down or minor breakages could occur. Arguments at breakfast are likely. Someone you least expect might knock at the door. Aaggh! Get dressed and get ready.
Pay attention to everything you say and do because this is an accident-prone day for your sign. This applies to driving, cycling, jogging - the works. Even verbal accidents. Therefore, think before you blurt something out. On the upside, you might have original, genius -like ideas!
Keep an eye on your money and your possessions today because something unexpected will impact them. You might find money; you might lose money. Something you own might be lost, stolen or damaged. The good news is you might have a clever moneymaking idea!
Today the Sun is in your sign at odds with wild, wacky Uranus. This makes you restless and impulsive. If you are too restless and too impulsive then you will become accident-prone; therefore, do what you can to become more mindful and aware. For your own good as well as others.
Like Leo, you feel restless today but for you, this energy is taking place behind the scenes. You might be the only one feeling it - but you know it's there. The thing to do is not to let it provoke you into suddenly doing or saying something rash. Keep your cool. (You can do this.)
You might meet a real character today. Or perhaps someone you know will say or do something that amazes you? You might be surprised about an interaction with a group perhaps because they want you to join them or because they want to kick you out. (Little joke.)
This is a tricky day if you're dealing with bosses, parents, the police or authority figures. For starters, they might catch you off guard and do or say something that surprises you. Or possibly, you feel rebellious? You want to say something that surprises them! Chill out.
Travel plans will be interrupted today in some way - tiny or major. If you are travelling, double check your schedules because something unexpected will happen. The obvious of course, is cancellations and delays. But it could be other little things that throw you a curve. Be proactive.
Be wise and make friends with your bank account and know what's happening with anything regarding inheritances, insurance disputes or shared property because something unexpected will occur. Be aware of this in case it needs your immediate attention.
Expect a few surprises when dealing with partners and close friends today. They might suggest something unusual like more freedom in the relationship or a different arrangement. Or maybe something minor? Things will not unfold as you expect.
Your work routine will be interrupted today - almost certainly. Staff shortages, computer crashes, equipment breakdowns, cancelled meetings are just a few examples. Knowing this ahead of time (hopefully) give yourself extra time so that you have wiggle room to cope with surprises. Be smart.
Comic book writer, Gail Simone (1974) shares your birthday today. You are dependable and make the perfect friend or partner. You are charming and visionary about the future. This is a fun-loving year. Enjoy increased popularity and warm friendships. This year you will be more grateful for your life and will appreciate the happiness and beauty around you in a daily way. You will make an important choice -- choose wisely.