We have the "all clear" today to shop and do business. The Moon is in Virgo.
Despite your desire to manage your life better and get organized so that you give work efficiently - nevertheless, today you will find it hard to get behind your objectives. In fact, you might be fuzzy about what your objective actually is! Don't worry if things are blurry or lacklustre today.
Be careful with money today, especially if you're making a big purchase. Today you're tempted to spend money on luxurious, over-the-top items but is this really wise? You might be going with your wants instead of your shoulds. Sometimes what we want isn't that practical in the long run.
It's hard to get 100% behind anything today because you feel low energy. Not only is your energy less, your enthusiasm for something is also less. (Like, what's with that?) It's because the Sun is in your sign at odds with fuzzy Neptune. Fortunately, this is temporary.
Today you might have doubts about something because you're second-guessing yourself. What seemed like a good idea a while ago doesn't look like that today. You might be right. It never hurts to take a second look at things. On the other hand, maybe your confidence is shaky?
Today you might feel wishy-washy about your goals. What's weird is these were goals that you were hot to trot about before? These were goals you embraced and wanted to pursue, but today, now you're not sure. That's okay. We all have days like this.
Don't get on your high horse or be insistent about anything when talking to parents, bosses, VIPs and the police. This is a classic day for confusion and misunderstanding. Your conversation with someone might be like two ships passing in the night - you think you know what's going on, but you don't.
Be careful not to fall for clever rhetoric or snake oil propaganda because you might be susceptible to this today, especially if it relates to politics, religion or racial issues. This is because today you have Vaseline on your lens and you're not seeing clearly.
Double check all details related to banking, shared property, taxes, debt, wills and inheritances because something murky or mistaken might be taking place. Since this could impact you financially, get on it! Protect your assets. Check your bill if eating out or shopping.
Be gentle and tactful when talking to partners and close friends today because people are confused, and they're also perhaps demoralized. Many people feel let down or unsure of things today because the energy of the Sun is clouded by Neptune (astrologically speaking).
Do not assume that you know everything or that you are in the "right" at work today because today is the classic day for confusion and misunderstandings. In part, this could be due to not getting the full picture or making a hasty judgment, which is off-base. Easy does it.
Romance might disappoint today. If so, remember that unexpressed expectations almost always lead to disappointment. Having said that, today is the classic day for disappointments and romance, fun activities as well as confusion dealing with kids.
Make no assumptions when you're dealing with family members today. Double check details and make sure everyone is on the same page. Furthermore, be sympathetic if someone feels low or "lost" because a lot of people feel this way today. Be gentle and understanding.
TV-film writer Aaron Sorkin (1961) shares your birthday today. You are intelligent, playful and insightful. You're a great imagination and a wonderful sense of humour. This is a fun-loving year! Enjoy increased popularity and warm friendships. This year you will be more grateful for your life and will appreciate the happiness and beauty around you in a daily way. You will make an important choice -- choose wisely.