Avoid shopping or important decisions from 5 PM to 6 PM EDT today (2 PM to 3 PM PDT). After that, the Moon moves from Leo into Virgo.
Lucky you! For the next few weeks, you will appreciate your daily surroundings much more. Furthermore, you will also see how much love there is in your daily world. Yes, it sounds like fairy dust falling from the stars - but it's true.
Look for ways to boost your income in the next few weeks because they will exist. For sure, you will want to spend money on buying beautiful things for yourself and loved ones because your appreciation of quality items will be strong.
Today fair Venus enters your sign to stay for the next few weeks, making you more diplomatic and charming. Relationships with everyone will be improved. Furthermore, this is a great time for you to buy wardrobe goodies because you like what you see in the mirror.
Secret love affairs might begin for some of you now and in the next few weeks. However, all of you will enjoy solitude in beautiful surroundings. Make an effort to enjoy the peace and quiet of some place either at home or elsewhere that becomes special to you.
Expect to hang out with artistic, creative people more than usual in the next few weeks. In addition, your affection for your friends will increase. In fact, a friend might become a lover. This is a lovely time to show people how much you care.
With Venus at the top of your chart, others will perceive you as a source of information about beauty. This is why people will ask you for your input about how to make something look better - a garden, a page, a website, furniture arrangement - something. Relations with bosses will improve.
Travel for pleasure will please you in the next few weeks, which means make every effort to get away and have a change of scenery. Because your appreciation of beauty will be heightened, you will also enjoy shopping for treasures from other cultures.
Romance will be yummy and passionate in the next few weeks. In addition, you might benefit from the wealth and resources of others perhaps by a direct gift or an offer of cash or a chance to use something that someone else owns. It's all good!
Fair Venus will be opposite your sign for the next few weeks paving way for warm relations with partners and close friends, making this an excellent time for all your interactions. It's a good time to discuss the different facets of the relationships that you have with others.
You might have to subordinate your own desires for amusement and pleasure for the needs of someone else in the next few weeks. Don't worry, you're not being a martyr. This is simply the appropriate thing to do. Practical matters are important and you know that you need to deal with the real world.
Romance is blessed in the next few weeks as Venus travels through your Fifth House. This will be a time of fun, entertainment and having a good time! You will love being involved in creative activities. Romance will be blessed. Relations with children will improve as well.
You will enjoy redecorating your digs in the next few weeks especially because you will also enjoy entertaining. Incidentally, this same time frame is also a good for real estate be they checking out a new rental or speculation.
Actress Julianna Margulies (1966) shares your birthday today. You are keen, strong-willed and passionate. You are also fun-loving and sociable. This year will be more laid back for you. Nevertheless, your relations with others will be important. Focus on how to cooperate with others. Look for ways to be kinds and helpful. Business and personal relationships will benefit you so be open to engaging with others.