We have the "all clear" today to shop and do business. The Moon is in Virgo.
This is a lovely feel-good day, which is why you want to get started on your To Do list! You feel affectionate to others and they feel likewise. Good news! Someone is willing to help you practically and financially, which might be why you want to get going!
This is the perfect day to enjoy sports events, playful activities with children and all kinds of social diversions. Accept invitations to party. Meet friends for lunch or dinner. Get out and have a good time plus grab opportunities to express your creative talents.
This is a feel-good day at home. Enjoy puttering and tidying up your place. You might want to relax with a second cup of coffee because you will enjoy taking a breather. Discussions with female family relatives will be positive. However, you will also enjoy your own solitude.
Lately, you have been focused on home, family and your private life because family discussions and home repairs are taking place. You have also enjoyed social diversions, romance and playful times with kids. Today you want to have a heart-to-heart talk with someone - you want to discuss something real.
Look for ways to boost your income today because you can do this. You might want to buy something attractive for your home or for a family member today. You might also want to treat a family member to a fun outing or a great dinner at home.
Today the Moon is in your sign dancing with fair Venus, which makes you mellow, pleasant and diplomatic with others. Your interest in the arts and beautiful things will be strong. In fact, it's an excellent day for writers and anyone who expresses their creative talents. Enjoy!
Solitude in beautiful surroundings will please you today. Give yourself a chance to regroup and get centered because later in the day, you might want to party and schmooze with others, one of your favourite pastimes. You might also see behind-the-scenes ways to make money.
Relations with others are warm and friendly today, especially discussions with female friends and acquaintances. This is a good day to be involved with a group, club or even a class is people will be social with each other and yet, mellow. Have a great day!
Relations with parents, bosses and people in authority are excellent today, which is a good thing because for some reason, you are more high viz. than usual. People notice you and in fact, they might be talking about you. (Fear not because they'll be saying good things.)
Travel for pleasure appeals to you today. Get out of town if you can. Or perhaps, you can be a tourist in your own city? (It's surprising how rewarding this can be if you try it.) Legal matters and anything to do with medicine and publishing look good.
Someone might offer to help you or lend you something because you can benefit from the wealth and resources of someone today. This is also a romantic day. You might feel turned on and super affectionate. Hopefully, these feelings are reciprocated!
This is wonderful day to schmooze with others because the Moon is opposite your sign dancing with fair Venus. People will be friendly and happy to see you. Make plans to socialize and enjoy the company of someone you like.
Author Joseph Finder (1958) shares your birthday today. You are kind, warm and friendly. You like to plan for the future. This year you are wrapping up a nine-year cycle. That is why it is a time of completions and taking inventory. Expect to say goodbye to people, places and possessions. The good news is you are moving away from heavy burdens to something new and lighter!