We have the "all clear" today to shop and do business. The Full Moon is in Sagittarius.
Be careful because today's Full Moon could create an accident-prone influence for you. This might be due to distractions (drivers talking or texting on cell phones) or you might be distracted? Therefore, be careful and be mindful! And avoid controversial subjects.
Today's Full Moon focus is about money. Perhaps this means a financial discussion will come to a head? Or you might finally learn the cost for something? (Ouch.) Something to do with earnings or expenditures will catch your eye.
Today the only Full Moon opposite your sign all year is taking place, which is why relations with partners and close friends might be prickly. When the Moon is full it means the energy of the Sun and the Moon are in opposition to each other. This includes male/female energy. Be nice.
Because the Moon is your ruler, you generally feel (in varying degrees) every Full Moon, which is why you might be a bit impatient with coworkers today. Or perhaps they are impatient with you? Either way, demonstrate grace under pressure at work and at home.
Today's Full Moon makes relations with kids more challenging. (Yes, even the family dog feels the Full Moon energy.) It can also create a bit of aggro in romantic relationships. Who needs this? Not you! Your best recourse is to smile and be patient with everyone. ("Damnit Jim, I'm an actor not a doctor.")
Relations with bosses, parents and VIPs might be strained today because of the Full Moon energy. Be particularly patient with female family members, especially Mom. (When Mom's unhappy - everyone feels it.) You're keen to work hard. Relations with friends are warm. Bosses will listen to you. All is well.
Be mindful of everything you say and do because this is an accident-prone day for you because of the Full Moon. Pay attention to everything you say and do. Think before you speak. Fortunately, relations with bosses are smooth and supportive.
Discussions about inheritances, financial matters, taxes, debt, insurance issues and anything that you share jointly with someone else will come to a head today because of the Full Moon. Probably this is a good thing. Put your cards on the table.
Today the only Full Moon in your sign all year is taking place. Yup - this occurs only one day each year, and in 2018, it's today. This could make you overreact or be too emotional about things. Conversely, you might see something more clearly, especially in a relationship. Good luck.
The Full Moon today could encourage tension or friction with coworkers. Just be aware of this. If you feel it, then you realize you don't have to react. This is the only day in the year this occurs. Hey, you can be big about things! Rise above them. Be cool.
Friendships are important to you. In fact, the words "Aquarius" and "friendship" are synonymous in astrology. Today the only Full Moon all year is taking place in your House of Friendships. This means you might have some stress dealing with a friend or a group. Stay chill. This tension is short-lived.
Relations with authority figures - parents, bosses, teachers and VIPs - might be strained today because this is the only Full Moon taking place at the top of your chart all year. Don't make a big deal about anything. Why bother?
Actress Annette Bening (1958) shares your birthday today. You are eloquent, intelligent and persuasive. You are also open, honest and always spontaneous. This is a time of completions and taking inventory. Review past triumphs and failures as you finish this nine-year cycle. You might let go of people, jobs and places to move on to something new. You are moving away from heavy burdens to something new and lighter!