We have the "all clear" today to shop and do business. The New Moon is in Aries.
Take a realistic look in the mirror to see what you can do to improve your appearance and also to improve the image you create in the world around you. Quite literally, this is the best day of the year to do this. It only takes a minute.
With so much happening this year, it's wise to have some navigational points to steer you. Basically, these are your beliefs. They are the rules by which you consciously or unconsciously guide yourself. This is an excellent day to think about this.
What can you do to improve your friendships or your relations with groups and clubs? This is the best day of the year to think about this. Are you happy with your friends? Do you hang out with quality people? If you want to have more friends - be friendly!
Today is a New Moon in Aries, the first sign. It is perhaps the best day of the year to set intentions or make resolutions. For your sign, today is the day to think about your life direction in general. Do you know where you're headed? Where do you want to be five years from now?
What further education or training might help in your job or your life? What further travel might enrich your life? These are questions for you to ponder today with the New Moon in Aries. How can you improve your world?
This is an excellent day to think how you can reduce your debt or improve your relations with whom you share property. Can you make a better deal? How can you reduce your debt? How can you benefit from the wealth and resources of someone?
Relationships are important to you because you are not a sign who can live alone. You need relationships in your life. Today's New Moon is the only New Moon all year that is opposite your sign, which means this is your day to think about how to improve your relationships with others.
What can you do to improve your health? And also - what can you do to improve your job? These are the two questions to ask yourself on today's New Moon. Write down a few resolutions. Get serious.
This is the best day of the year to think about how you can improve your relationship with your kids. It's also the best day of the year to think about how much you value your creativity? And what about vacations? Do you give yourself enough time off for good behaviour?
Today's New Moon is the best day of the year to think about how to improve your relationships with family members, and also how to improve your home so that you like it better. Write down a few ideas. Get on the ball.
Today is the only New Moon of the year that focuses on your day-to-day habits and your day-to-day communications with others. How can you improve these relationships? Especially relationships with siblings, relatives and neighbours? Ideas?
Do you have any ideas about how to improve your earnings or earn more on the side? Or maybe today's New Moon can teach you how to take better care of what you already own. Your attitude to your possessions makes a difference over a long period of time. Huge!
Actress Emma Thompson (1959) shares your birthday today. You are a passionate person - physically and ideologically. You want to be loved and appreciated. In this busy, social year, you want to live life to the fullest! It will be a a fun-loving time. Appreciate the happiness and beauty around you. Be grateful for what you have. Focus on the positive. Expect increased popularity and warm friendships that will delight.