Moon Alert

We have the "all clear" today to shop and do business. The Super Full Moon in Cancer peaks at 9:24 PM EST.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This year begins with a Full Moon, which pulls you between the demands of home and family versus the demands of career and reputation. Although family is gold, you can't ignore your career today. Work with this skilfully.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Be careful because the energy of today is exacerbated by the Full Moon! (A hang over plus a Full Moon. Not good!) This is a mildly accident-prone day for you. Pay attention to everything you say and do, especially driving, walking and jogging.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Oh my, this new year begins with the Full Moon. How curious! For your sign this particular Full Moon brings financial matters to a head - specifically, balancing money in versus money out. The age-old groaner. Time to tighten your belt.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

It's the start of a new year and it is a Full Moon in Cancer. Indeed, you will have a second Full Moon this year on Dec. 22. You are the only sign with two Full Moons this year - surely this means you have a leg up on things? Be patient with others today. Look forward to your future!

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

This new year begins with a Full Moon "hiding" in your chart. Symbolically, this means that some things in your life are coming to a culmination. You know that you are experiencing them, but it is not obvious to others. (Good day for dark chocolate.)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Today's Full Moon, on the first day of the year, might create tension with a friend or a member of a group. You might be at odds about ideals or goals. Fear not because your optimism will be so strong this year, nothing can hold you back!

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

It's the first day of the new year and there is a Full Moon at the top of your chart. How auspicious! (This must mean something.) Actually, you are pulled between pleasing home and family versus pleasing your career aspirations. Today you cannot ignore family.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

This is the beginning of a very lucky year for you because lucky Jupiter is in your sign. The next time this happens will be 2030. Enjoy your good fortune! Be careful today because the Full Moon creates a slight accident-prone quality for you. Watch your step.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

This new year begins with a Full Moon in one of your money houses. Money always interests you, along with outdoor activities, animals, travel and good times. It's time to draw up a budget for this new year. Make your assets work to make your life easier.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

As this new year begins, we have a Full Moon opposite your sign. This draws attention to your partnerships and closest friendships. Because you're entering a new sandbox this year, be aware of loved ones and how to bring them along into your new world. Many changes!

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

This year you will make a name for yourself! You have the best chance to do this in over a decade! Today the Full Moon might create some tension with your work or even your health, but this is small potatoes. French fries, really.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Travel and education will be the exciting theme for your new year! Do anything to broaden your horizons because this is what will turn your crank. Today the Full Moon might create tension with romantic partners and kids. Patience is your best ally.

If Your Birthday Is Today

Actor Morris Chestnut (1969) shares your birthday today. You are calm and composed. You have high morals and standards. This year you will take inventory and view your past triumphs and failures because you are finishing a nine-year cycle. Some of you will let go of people, jobs, places and things in order to move on to something new. Fortunately, it's a time of also moving away from heavy burdens.