We have the "all clear" today to shop and do business. The Moon is in Virgo.
Think about ways to improve your health today because no doubt, you are thinking of ways to improve your efficiency. But what about the whole enchilada? How about improving your efforts, your sense of organization along with your health? Think about it.
Take time to relax today. Grab a mini vacation if you can't have a big vacation. Enjoy playful activities with children. Take your main squeeze on a date. Give yourself a chance to express your creative urges and talents because this is a day to please - just you!
You will enjoy cocooning at home today and relaxing among familiar surroundings. An interaction with a female relative might be significant. You have been working hard lately and you need time off for good behaviour.
In discussion with others today, you really want to say something. You want a real conversation about real issues, not just superficial chitchat about the weather. Tension on the home front might be on your mind. Or perhaps new romance?
Today you are focused on money, cash flow and earnings, perhaps because you have plans to make improvements to your home or to do something to make it look more attractive. You might also be pondering real-estate deals.
Your feelings are heightened today because the Moon is in your sign. For the most part, this is a good thing because although you will react emotionally to others, you will also have a tiny bit of extra good luck! Yay! We like!
You have lots of energy now because Mars is in your sign, which means this is a great month to explore physical sports and new exercise regimes. Nevertheless, today you want to maintain a low profile and keep things low key. Chill out. (Start thinking of ways to boost your income in the next year.)
You are out there flying your colours with the Sun in your sign! Venus and Jupiter are also in Scorpio, which means you are blessed. Things go your way now. People admire you. A conversation with a female friend could be significant today.
Secrets about you or perhaps information about your private life seem to be on the lips of others today. You are definitely noticed, that's for sure. This might relate to a competition you have with someone else or perhaps a team competition? You're ready to talk to a friend about something.
A short drive in the country will please you today because you want to escape! You want to break free of your daily routine and do something different. You will especially enjoy talking to people from different backgrounds and other countries. Do something to shake things up a bit.
Because this is such a powerful time for you, it makes sense that you want to know what kind of support you have from others. Not only emotional support but practical, financial support. Get your facts today. Figure out what your assets are, especially shared assets.
Take things easy today. Be accommodating to others. Go with the flow and enjoy a relaxed, easy-going day if you can. Make plans to travel for pleasure in the immediate future. For that matter, if you can travel anywhere today you will love it! Not only travel but a chance to learn something new appeals to you now.
Actor Ryan Gosling (1980) shares your birthday today. You are caring and considerate. You have a strong sense of responsibility. You will be more involved with others this year. Personal responsibilities with friends and family will be important, as will your service to others. Because of this, it's wise to you take care of yourself. Why not explore a makeover or do something that is rejuvenating?