We have the "all clear" today to shop and do business. The Moon is in Capricorn.
Today you might have an epiphany about a close friendship or partnership. You see more clearly the value of this relationship in your life and this realization makes you grateful. It's kind of like a moment of truth.
Your ambition is aroused. You want to be the best that you can be at work or on the job. Likewise, you want to be healthy, invigorated and in top shape. These are wonderful aspirations; and as long as you maintain them, you will move toward your goals. "Elementary, my dear Watson."
You have firm ideas about educating or raising kids. Likewise, you might be passionate about a creative project. Of course, many of you are just as passionate now about romance. Whatever the case, life is passionate! Nothing is grey or dull. (You devil.)
This is a great time to make repairs at home, especially repairs that require you to strip-down something to the basics and rebuild it or resurface it or start all over again. Do introduce improvements to your home and perhaps - your family relationships?
You have been opinionated more than usual lately. (That's saying a lot considering that you are royalty.) Today your mind is fixated on something - because you want to make things better. You want improvements in your surroundings and you intend to get them. "Nuff said.
Value your moneymaking ideas - oh yes. In fact, today you will be like a dog with a bone because you've got some ideas about making money or spending it and you intend to follow through. If you want to buy something - you have to have it!
You are obsessed about a plan of action right now, which is why you want to examine your position. You intend to stand up for what you believe in and you want to have your facts right. Ideally you want to have support as well. Be careful that you are not on wobbly ground. (You're a smooth talker.)
Something going on behind the scenes compels you to action now. And when you are compelled to action - we're talking fierce determination! This is because your ruler is lined up with big daddy Jupiter. This makes everything intense and slightly overblown - but thrilling!
You're leader of the pack today! Your fans will follow suit if you have great ideas - and you do. You might want to encourage people to improve something. If so, you will know how to arouse them so that their idealism is ignited. This cause is important to you.
You're concerned right now with your reputation and the respect you get from others. You feel strongly about something and intend to fight it all the way so that you come out vindicated and perhaps even admired. This is not about victory; it's about justice.
You can rouse the troops today if you are excited about events related to politics, religion, racial matters or environmental issues. Don't leave home without your petition. More than any other sign of the zodiac you are a rabble-rouser fighting the good fight!
You will not sit back and let anyone tromp over your rights, especially your financial rights. You intend to get your fair share of something whether it's related to an inheritance or anything to do with shared property or even a dispute about debt. You mean business!
Actress Meghan Markle (1981) shares your birthday today. You are intelligent, independent, ambitious and dedicated to whatever you embrace. Because this is a year of growth, construction and building, it is a time to organize your daily world in a practical way. Responsibilities will increase, magnifying the effort needed to maintain your life. Reduce your debt and strengthen your financial position because you are building for your future!