We have the "all clear" today to shop and do business. The Moon is in Capricorn.
Resist the urge to tell your boss off or to sound off to anyone in a position of authority. The impulse can be fun - but the outcome generally isn't. Therefore, zip thy lip. Be smart. Don't lose your cool because you could regret what you did later. ("Did I just say that?")
Tread carefully when having discussions about controversial subjects like politics, religion and racial issues today because suddenly, people will become overheated - including you. The fact is everyone feels passionately about something today.
If you have a dispute with someone about an inheritance or something to do with shared property, it will be intense. There is no doubt about it. Therefore, if there's a lot at stake, you might want to pick a different day for this kind of discussion. Sometimes timing is everything.
Be patient with partners and close friends today because the Moon is opposite your sign, which means you have to cooperate with others more than usual. However, in addition today, the Moon is lined up with Pluto, which makes people feel emotionally passionate!
There's a lot of high emotion in the air today, but you can direct this energy to introducing reforms or improvements where you work. You might also use this same energy to improve your health in some way. In other words, direct this passionate focus to your favour.
Be gentle and patient with kids today because they might have a hissy fit or a meltdown. It's just one of those days. Likewise, romantic relationships are also very vulnerable and subject to emotional blowups and operatic melodrama. Try to keep a lid on things.
Family discussions will be emotional and intense today, which means you might want to just go with the flow and not open Pandora's box. If someone is touchy about something - wait until Wednesday to have this talk because Wednesday is a much more easy-going day.
You might come on too strong for someone today because the Moon is lined up with your ruler Pluto, which means you are ready to tell it like it is. Yes, you will mean what you say and say what you mean! Keep in mind that your energy is strong and passionate and sometimes too much for others.
Disputes about money or possessions might take place today. Even if they do not take place, you will still have intense feelings about financial matters or something that you own. Admittedly, money is a touchy subject with everyone (and much more secretive sex).
Today the Moon is in your sign lined up with Pluto, which can make you impulsive and intense. Keep this in mind and don't go off half cocked. However, you might also attract a bit of extra good luck to you because the Moon is in your sign. Not bad.
You might be involved with secrets today. Just make sure that they are legal because something illegal might tempt you. Whenever you wonder about anything that is dicey, ask yourself if you might have later regrets if you do it - or if you don't.
Try to keep things on an even keel with acquaintances and friends today, especially females because things could get intense at some point. Winning an argument is not a big deal. Keeping a friend is. Remember what is important in life.
Football player Emmitt Smith (1969) shares your birthday today. You are intelligent and kind. Your charm guarantees your excellent social skills. You are reliable hardworking and competitive. This year is a year of choice for you. Start to get a footing on what matters for you. Reduce your overhead expenses so that you are financially strong in 2017. Give yourself some choices because happiness is having alternatives.