After 8:30 AM EST, we have the "all clear" to shop and do business. The Moon is in Leo.
Looking down the road, this is a time of preparation before you reach your harvest in 2018. That means that now is the time to line your ducks up in a row. Ever since 2010, you have been heading for this goal. Now you have to take yourself seriously.
Relationships were tough between 2012-15. But now you're out of the rough, and pitching for 2018, which is a time where you will feel more financially secure. But now, you're in boot camp, which means you have only yourself to rely on.
You have a wonderful playful year ahead with some great vacations. Your main challenges now are friendships and partnerships. Some of these relationships will end; others will undergo a period of readjustment. And you know this.
This is a time of hard work. Many of you are busting your buns to show the world what you do. Well, do not be discouraged because by 2018, the world will discover what you can do. In the meantime, reap your rewards with home and family.
This is an optimistic time for you. No matter what is happening regarding the details of your life, you find it relatively easy to maintain a positive state of mind. This is good because that is your saving grace. A positive frame of mind is priceless.
Continue to look for ways to boost your income because you can do this in the months ahead. Your greater challenge will be to figure out where to live. That's what you really need to define for yourself - a secure, safe refuge for you and your family. (You can do this.)
Whether you acknowledge it or not, you are in a two-year window of time that embraces residential moves and job changes. Fortunately, with lucky Jupiter in your sign, these challenges couldn't come at a better time. The gods are smiling on you!
You are working hard for your money because ever since 2012, you've been on a new journey. The good news is that by the autumn of 2017, lucky Jupiter will be in your sign once again. Glory hallelujah! This hasn't happened since 2006.
Since 2015, you have been off on a journey - a journey where you will basically reinvent yourself. What is helping you now, and will continue to help you in 2017, is that your popularity is strong. People like you and they want to help you. You can't beat that.
This is an excellent time for your sign because for months ahead, lucky Jupiter will be at the top of your chart making you look good in the eyes of others. Some of you will literally put your name up in lights. Count your lucky stars!
Grab every opportunity to get further education or travel at this time and in 2017 because you want to expand your world. Some of you will expand your experience of life by going back to school or taking courses. Others will explore opportunities in publishing, the media, medicine and the law.
Things look fantastic for Pisces because this is basically your time of harvest. You are empowered now. You see what is working; and you see what is not. Meanwhile, the wealth and resources of others is supportive to you. You can't go wrong!
Actress Anna Popplewell (1988) shares your birthday today. You are knowledgeable, even wise. You have a balanced, artistic approach to life; nevertheless, you love to travel and change. It's important to know that you will benefit by dealing with others in the year 2017. This mean your success lies with interacting with other people. Plan ahead! Make friends. Join clubs and organizations. Your social activities will be mutually beneficial.