We have the "all clear" today to shop and do business. The Moon is in Pisces.
Don't worry if you feel listless and unmotivated today. It is what it is. Tomorrow is a better day. In the meantime, don't believe everything you hear, especially about controversial stuff like politics, religion and racial issues.
A discussion with a friend might be a bummer today, especially discussions about shared property and inheritances. Someone might disappoint you, in addition to which, you have to ask yourself if your expectations were realistic.
This is a not a good day to talk to bosses, parents and VIPs. They will probably squash your plans or misunderstand what it is you really want. Things are fuzzy today. Duty and obligations are demanding and yet, unclear.
Some kind of confusion with other cultures or foreign countries might make your job difficult today. Someone might be on your case. You might have to account for yourself. Yeah, it's one of those days. It's small stuff but it does niggle, doesn't it?
Social plans might disappoint today. This could be because of a confusion about how much money you have to spend or who is picking up the tab. Make sure you know what the financial arrangement is if you are sharing with anyone.
You cannot avoid the harsh reality of things at home today. Someone older, perhaps a parent or an older relative, might lay down the law or limit what you can do. Meanwhile, help from a partner or close friend is nebulous. Nobody really knows what they're doing today.
This is a serious, sober day. Furthermore, issues at work are limp and confused. It's easy not to care. People are judgmental and life seems to be a bit hard today. Even though you know it's just your attitude, it's tough to change your attitude. We have all had days like this. Time to send out for dark chocolate.
This is a poor day for fun, social plans because people are grumpy. Even relations with your kids are serious and focused on duties, homework and such. You might feel broke as well. Don't get on the scales because you have probably gained weight. Yeah, it's that kinda day.
Domestic matters and your situation at home today are confusing and depressing. This is not good for you because Sagittarians need to believe in a better tomorrow. Thank goodness! You can relax because tomorrow is a better day.
Life is hard today. Your glass is half empty. You get the picture. The most uplifting thing about today is knowing that life will feel e better tomorrow - and it will. The main thing to know about today is that confusion is rampant. Don't worry about spending lots of time daydreaming.
This is a poor day for important financial decisions, especially with a friend or a group. Whatever happens will likely disappoint you. Yes, this is an Eyore kind of day. ("It will probably rain.") Just go with the flow because today is lighthearted in its pessimism and it's a brief. Could be worse.
This is a dreamy, spacey kind of day where it's hard to get a lot of work done. In part, you sort of don't care. But in another way, part of you is discouraged by an authority figure. They have really turned you off. Whatever happened to management that knew how to motivate?
Astrophysicist Carl Sagan (1934-1996) shares your birthday today. You are witty, intelligent, enthusiastic and physically active. You believe that ambition and hard work will make goals and dreams come true. You are now approaching 2017, which will be a year of choice for you. Start to get a footing on what matters for you. Reduce your overhead expenses so that you are financially strong in 2017. Happiness is having alternatives.