Avoid shopping and big decisions from 4:45 AM until 9 AM EST today. After that, the Moon moves from Capricorn into Aquarius.
A conversation with a female friend or a member of a group will be meaningful for you today. In fact, this is a good day to share your hopes and dreams for the future with others because their feedback will help you. Even thinking about your goals will be beneficial.
Personal details about your private life will be public today. Just be aware of this in case you want to do some damage control. This is also a good time to benefit from the wealth and resources of others. Close relationships are affectionate.
Do something different today. Explore something new. You need to get out of town. Take a short trip. Go someplace you've never been before. Study something new so that you feel stimulated by fresh information and a new way of looking at life.
This is been a playful, social time for you; however, today you will focus on red-tape details regarding shared property, insurance issues, taxes and debt. Clear up some loose ends regarding these areas. Don't let them nag you.
Today the Moon is in Aquarius, which is 180 degrees opposite from Leo. This means you have to go more than halfway when dealing with others. This just requires some tolerance, patience and an effort to hold your tongue, especially if you feel critical.
Take a half an hour today to do something to help you to feel better organized. Tidy up messy papers. Find the floor of your bedroom closet. Whatever you do will make you feel better because you need to feel that you are on top of your scene.
This is a playful day! Make sure you carve out some time to enjoy yourself and the company of others. You will also enjoy the arts, sports events and playful activities with children. After all, you are the most social sign of the zodiac.
This is the perfect day to cocoon at home and read the paper with a second cup of coffee. Family discussions will be personal and will feel good. Use today to regroup and restore yourself for the week ahead. A conversation with a female relative will be significant.
This is a good day for a short trip, conversations with others, visits with siblings and relatives plus studying, reading and writing. Basically, it's a busy day because of the flow of information and your focus on daily activities.
You feel possessive about something you own today. ("My precious!") This is why you don't want to loan something. This is a good day to review your assets and figure out what you own and what you owe. Information is power.
Today the Moon is in your sign, which can make you more emotional than usual. However, the good news is that it can also bring a little bit of extra good luck your way. This is the perfect day to ask the universe for a favour. Who knows? The answer just might be yes.
Today you will appreciate having some quiet time to yourself. Choose solitude in beautiful surroundings. Work alone or behind the scenes because you need time to restore and replenish yourself. After all, "It's hard out there without your towel."
Eagles singer/songwriter Glenn Frey (1948-2016) shares your birthday today. You have a friendly, pleasing personality. You are also fiercely goal oriented and determined. Get ready for 2017, which is a year when something you've been involved with for about nine years will come to an end or diminish to make room for something new. It will also be a year of service to others, plus a wonderful year to travel. Get ready for a fresh, new cycle waiting in your future!