Until 11:55 PM EDT, have the "all clear" today to do business. The Moon is in Gemini.
On birthdays and Mothers Day we have expectations. And when we have expectations, we are disappointed. Have no expectations today because this is a challenging day. Everyone feels alone and unloved. Boo-hoo.
This is a poor day for business and commerce. Things look good but soon, the purse tightens. Old Mother Hubbard found the cupboard bare when she went for a bone for her dog. That's how you feel. Make no bones about it.
Today the Moon is in your sign opposite stern Saturn. (It happens once a month.) It makes people are depressed because it blocks our ability to respond to others in an appropriate way. Yes, life is hard. "Winter is coming." (I know, I know - summer hasn't arrived yet! It's a POV.)
You feel cut off and lonely. "Nobody loves me." You feel disappointed. You might be a great mom and nobody got you a card. (The ingrates!) Be comforted by the fact that the world feels this way today. Just relax. It ain't personal.
Relations with others are challenging today. Someone older or more experienced might be critical of you. (Gotta love that.) Children might be an increased responsibility. Whatever the case, take the high road and go with the flow. With Leos, "The show must go on!"
This is not an ideal day to ask authority figures for permission or approval. Their reply will be, "Talk to the hand." Therefore, postpone any requests for another day. All relations with female authority figures (yes, this includes Mom on Mother's Day) will be strained. Fortunately, this window is brief! Whew!
Avoid controversial topics like religion, politics and racial issues today because this will go over like a lead balloon. People aren't receptive or open to new ideas. Quite the opposite. Therefore, since you're skating on thin ice - skate fast and light!
This is a poor day to ask to borrow money or ask for anything from someone else because their response will be grumpy and negative. Even you feel broke today. Oh well, this negative influence is confined to about a three-four hour window. Thankfully.
There is no getting around it. Today the Moon is opposite your sign, lined up with stern Saturn. This simply means you have to compromise with others. You have to go more than halfway. You have to crawl on your knees through ground glass with a beer in each hand.
Work will be tough today because this is one of those days. For some reason, life feels hard. But in truth, this is just the impression we have of this day. Tomorrow is lovely! Therefore, get a card and flowers for your mother. Do your duty.
Romance is in the toilet today because it's a rocky day for all social occasions, including tenderhearted lovers. Don't expect too much from each other. Children will also be an increased responsibility. Just go with the flow and be an adult. (Try it - you might like it.)
Relations with authority figures and female family figures are strained today. If you read this in the morning, it's not too late to get flowers and a card for your mother. Do it. This simple gesture can bring weeks and weeks of benefit to you. Duh?
Author/activist Naomi Klein (1970) shares your birthday today. You are naturally nurturing because you care about people, places and communities. It helps that you are a convincing communicator! This year is one of growth, construction and building. Initially, this growth will begin quietly, which is why you might not see major changes until next year. Do what you can strengthen your financial position and reduce your debt. You are building for your future!