Until 8:45 PM EST today, we have the "all clear" today to do business. The New Moon is in Pisces.
Today has some conflicts; however, this evening is pleasant. The main thing to know today is that today is a New Moon, which makes this the perfect day for you to think about what your spiritual values are. What guides you when you are up against the wall?
You might have conflicts with others about shared property, taxes, debt or opposing values today. But your bigger focus actually, is that today is the only New Moon in Pisces all year, which is your best opportunity to think about the role friendships play in your life.
The only New Moon all year that takes place at the top of your chart is happening today. Yes, discussions with authority figures will be challenging. But in the bigger picture, today is a good day to think of your life direction. Are you headed where you want to go?
Use today's New Moon to think about what further education or training you might get to improve your life. Travel will also enrich your life. Basically, you want to grow and expand, instead of stagnate.
Each New Moon is different. Each New Moon is a chance to make resolutions. Today's New Moon urges you to focus on your debt and how you are tied into others in terms of property and assets. What improvements in these areas will help you?
Today's New moon is the perfect time, perhaps the best day of the year, to study your closest friendships and partnerships in order to see how you can make them better. What can you do to improve these important connections?
Despite a few challenges today; today is the best day of the year to think about how you can improve your health. That's the energy of this New Moon. (However, most Librans think outdoors is where the car is.)
Today's New Moon is a great opportunity for you to ponder the balance you have in your life between play and work. It's also a good time to think about how much you give yourself a chance to express your creativity. Be a kid again!
Each New Moon is a time to make new resolutions. This happens once a month. Today's New Moon urges you to think about what you can do to improve your home and also to improve your family relationships. Any ideas? Think of three things. What is the most important?
We are gregarious creatures. We need to talk and we need to be heard. Today's New Moon is all about your style of communicating. Do you really listen to others? Do you genuinely share your ideas? Do you communicate with your siblings?
Squabbles about money and possessions might arise today. However, ironically, this is the area where today's New Moon wants you to focus. Each New Moon is a chance to make resolutions to better your world. How can you improve how you handle your money? Get serious.
It's all happening for Pisces! The Sun is in your sign; the New Moon is in your sign (the only time all year); Mercury is in your sign; and in a few days, Venus will be in your sign. Sheesh! Give yourself a report card. How are you doing at the art of living? What can you do better? How can you create a better impression on your world?
Tattoo artist Kat Von D (1982) shares your birthday today. You love tradition; yet, you are a nonconformist. You are individualistic and magnetic! People love and admire your zest for life. This year others will benefit and help you, which is why your success lies with interacting with others people. Make friends. Join clubs and organizations. If you help others, you will also help yourself.