Not until 2:30 PM EST today, do we have the "all clear" to do business. After that, the Moon moved from Gemini into Cancer.
TGIF! This is a great day to party and goof off. It's an especially good day to take a long lunch because until the Moon Alert is over today, things at work are goofy and inefficient. Shortages are likely. (Actually a good day to cocoon at home.)
This is a more pleasant day than yesterday. Enjoy good food and drink. Find a reason to celebrate, especially, perhaps, with a long lunch. (Yeah!) It's a goofy day and does not truly get started until after the Moon Alert is over. Good day to relax.
You will naturally be focused on money decisions today; therefore, please heed this warning: Do not make any important financial negotiations until the Moon Alert is over to protect your own best interests, which is what you want to do.
After the Moon Alert is over today, the Moon will move into your sign. When this happens, you will feel more emotional and your appreciation of beauty will be heightened. If so, give yourself a chance to enjoy the arts, beautiful buildings, parks and galleries.
This is a playful time for you, which is why you want to party, enjoy the arts, accept social invitations, sea sports events and delight in playful activities with children. Something behind the scenes might inspire you in a special way. Communications with others are excellent.
A conversation with a female colleague is encouraging because you feel a connection to someone. It's reassuring to know someone agrees with you or understands how you feel. When it comes to financial matters, you will be assertive today! Note Moon Alert.
After the Moon Alert is over, you will be more high viz.. Others might learn personal details about your private life. Be aware of this in case you have to do some damage control. With Venus and Mars in your sign, you are strong, charming and diplomatic.
If you could run away and join the circus today, you would because you want to escape somewhere. You want to get away from all this. This is why travel or a chance to do something different will please you. Your focus on money and cash flow is still strong.
Beware of decisions about inheritances and shared property because you might give away the farm today. It's natural to feel sympathetic to the needs of others, especially if they are less fortunate. Nevertheless, you need a clear head before you make important money decisions.
Relations with partners and close friends will be easy going, warm and friendly today because a natural simpatico seems to exist. Because you know what it's like to walk a mile in someone else's wedgies, this is a good day for a heart-to-heart discussion with someone.
This is a very social time for you, which is why you are out there flying your colours and talking to everyone. Coworkers are also sympathetic with you. In fact, if you can help someone today, you will; or perhaps, vice versa, someone will help you.
This is a romantic day! Enjoy social outings, long lunches and pleasant diversions this evening. It's a great night to cocoon at home or by contrast, go out for a date - your choice. If shopping or making important decisions, be aware of the Moon Alert restrictions.
Actress Allison Pill (1985) shares your birthday today. You have amazing energy. You are fast; you have style; and you are impulsive. You will pull out all stops to meet your deadline. But you do need a flexible lifestyle. You can almost always trust your intuition. This year is the beginning of a fresh, new nine-year cycle for you. Open any door! Start a new business activity.