We have the "all clear" today to do business. The Moon is in Virgo.
You might see new uses for how to share something with someone else or you might see new uses for shared property. You might also come up with a new approach for raising money or getting a loan. Claver you!
This is a good day for action and strong communications. You might have an important discussion with a partner or close friend about how to make improvements. These improvements could be to your immediate surroundings or they might apply to the relationship itself.
You are productive at work today. You see ways to make improvements. You might suggest certain reforms to work methods. Not only that, coworkers are likely to agree with you. (Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus.) And you can also improve your health today!
If you're involved in the arts or a creative project, you might put in a new spin on something today because you see things from a new angle. Likewise, you might take a new approach to dealing with kids because this is a potentially inventive day.
Try to make improvements at home, especially organizing garbage areas, recycling areas or anything to do with plumbing, laundry and bathrooms. You might see a new way to do something or you might see a new use for something you already own.
If you work in sales, marketing, writing, teaching, acting or promoting anything - today you are hot! Your powers of persuasion are excellent and you are direct and to the point. You have a leg up on others, so go after what you want if you need to use your verbal or writing skills.
It's possible to see a new way to earn money today or possibly a new job or a new way to make money on the side - something. That's because you're in a resourceful frame of mind. You might also see new applications for something you own.
Take a realistic look in the mirror today because you might have some good ideas about how to improve your image. Likewise, you might observe your style of relating to others and see ways to improve that as well. This is because your ruler Pluto is helping you to see the subtext of things.
Your research abilities are stellar today. If you need answers or you're looking for solutions to old problems, this is the day you might just come up with something brilliant. You will instinctively go for the jugular. You will also persevere until you find what you're looking for.
You might attract someone powerful to you today. ("Hi Darth") If not, your conversations with others will be powerful and possibly, life-changing. Someone might have an idea that in turn, triggers ideas within you, so that you ultimately change your goals.
In discussion with bosses, parents and VIPs, talk about how you can clean up a situation, especially something that is disordered and confused. That's because this is the classic day to "clean house", as it were. You're also prepared to confront others to make your case.
You will be keen to learn something today, especially something deep and profound. Discussions about philosophy, religion and politics will intrigue you. You won't be lazy about learning, either. You have energy and focus, which will carry you through whatever you do. Yowzah!
Bryan Adams, singer/photographer (1959) shares your birthday today. You are knowledgeable, modern and up-to-date. You are also a truth seeker who likes to reveal the truth to others. You make an effort to keep abreast of current affairs. Settle your debts this year to prepare for financial accumulation in the next three years. To clear away indebtedness is the thrust of this year. Consolidate your affairs for future growth.