From 4:15 PM to 10 PM EDT today, avoid shopping or important decisions. After that, the Moon moves from Capricorn into Aquarius.
You are high viz. today. Fortunately, you look solid and steady to others,, which means this could be a good day to discuss important matters with authority figures. If so, heed the warning on the Moon Alert.
You might want to make travel plans today or explore publishing, the media, medicine, the law and anything to do with higher education. It's a good day for solid decisions until 4 PM EDT (1 PM PDT). Basically, you are in work mode.
This is a good day for discussions about shared property, insurance issues, inheritances, taxes and debt. However, these discussions should take place in the morning on the West Coast, and before 4 PM EDT on the East Coast.
You have to go more than half way when dealing with others today because the Moon is opposite your sign. This simply requires compromise and accommodation. You know the drill. Like your symbol the Crab, you know how to approach things from the side.
Basically, you are geared up to work today; and you will be efficient and productive at the beginning of the day. However, things started to get fuzzy at 4 PM on the East Coast and 1 PM Pacific Time. This means an early start to your day!
For most of today, the Moon is in Capricorn, your fellow Earth sign, which means you feel support from the universe. In fact, you feel playful and adventurous. You will focus on children, social occasions and the arts for most of the day.
If possible, you will love to cocoon at home today to deal with personal matters plus family and home situations. In addition to which, you also have a desire to just hide and relax. In fact, by evening, you are in party mode! (Who is surprised?)
In one way, you are still working behind the scenes; and yet, both Venus and Mars urge you to be active with friends and groups. Today you are keen to communicate, run errands and take short trips until the afternoon, when all this energy subsides.
It's a popular time for you, and it's also a time where you are ambitious about going after what you want! Today, money issues are strong focus; however, take note: Stay in touch with the Moon Alert because avoid financial transactions after the Alert begins.
The Moon is in your sign today, which can make you a bit more emotional than usual. However, it can also attract good luck to you, which is why this is a good day to go after what you want. But do this before the Moon Alert begins. After the Moon Alert begins - sign nothing.
Today is a mixed bag. It starts out with you feeling low key and wanting to work alone or behind the scenes. However, as the day wears on, your desire to get out and make a difference will grow. By 9:30 PM EDT (6:30 PM PDT) the Moon is in your sign and you are pumped!
Remind yourself to be patient with others because as long as Mars is opposite your sign, you find people so annoying! This is unfortunate but it's just the way it is. Mars went opposite your sign in late September and will not move on until mid November. Hang in there.
Actor Niall Matter (1980) shares your birthday today. You are very much in touch with social trends and what is "in" and what is "out." You sometimes lead a double life. You are logical, organized and have good business acumen. This year your success lies with others. People will benefit you. Therefore, make friends and join clubs and organizations. Help others because you will also be helping yourself.