We have the "all clear" today to do business. The Moon is in Aquarius.
There is an underlying mood today that makes you grit your teeth. Grrrr. It's almost as if you feel angry with others even if they don't say anything - and even, if they're not even present! Don't worry; you are not alone. A lot of people feel this way today. Run for the hills!
You will have to be patient with coworkers today because they will get your goat. That's like getting under your skin but a bit more intense. Try your best to avoid confrontations because they will quickly turn nasty. Everyone is on pins and needles.
Your ruler Mercury is at odds with mighty Pluto, which is why romantic partners might have conflict today. In fact, people working in the hospitality industry, the arts, the entertainment world or working with children (including parents) might quarrel or be annoyed. Patience!
Make it your objective today to get through this day without an argument with a family member. Frankly, it's best to say absolutely nothing because people are ready for bear today. One tiny criticism will unleash a surprising response! Easy does it.
This is a kind of day where everyone is ready to quarrel with each other. Even if you work alone, you will probably have a quarrel in your hand with someone. "If I say this, then he will do that. Grrr." This is because criticism and anger is smouldering beneath the surface.
Squabbles about finances, money or possessions might erupt today. If you make a big deal about anything, you will only inflame someone's response to you. Try to avoid getting involved today. Wait until the weekend, which is more easy-going.
Emotional conflicts with others are par for the course today. In part, this is because you're obsessed with an idea. Naturally, you then want to force your point of view on someone; or vice versa, someone wants to force their point of view on you. Run away! Run away!
There is an intense intellectual energy out there that makes people obsessed and pushy and easily angered by others. Know this so that you can sidestep these unpleasant exchanges. However, you can use this obsessive energy to do research. You'll be like a dog with a bone.
Squabbles with friends or members in a group (a class, meeting or conference) are likely today. Hopefully, you are reading this in the morning and you can simply avoid this by remaining silent. Almost anything you say will trigger an opposition. ("Whaaat?")
This is a poor day to ask for permission or approval from bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs. Their response will be, "Talk to the hand." Or it could be worse! People are obsessed, pushy and argumentative today. Do not wake the sleeping giant.
Avoid controversial subjects like politics, religion and racial issues today because they will right away trigger heated, emotional arguments. People are stuck in a rut today and obsessed about their opinions. Knowing this, tread carefully! Don't open Pandora's box!
Confrontations about inheritances, shared property and anything that you own jointly with others might arise today. The trick is to realize this is a poor day to have these discussions. Wait until the weekend when things are much mellower. Remember your objective; and the fact that timing is everything.
Actor Kevin Sorbo (1958) shares your birthday today. You are hard-working and dedicated to what you do. You can be critical of the world around you because of your high expectations. This is the year you have been waiting for. It's a time of expansion and great activity. Take advantage of opportunities. A major change might take place, perhaps as significant as what occurred around 2006. It's time to try your wings!