We have the "all clear" today to do business. The New Moon today is in Leo.
There is an unusually strong influence right now for you to play, have fun, party, and enjoy sports and playful times with children. Don't feel guilty! It's not always this easy. Sometimes life is just the salt mines. Today's New Moon is the perfect day to think about balancing of work and play.
Every New Moon is a chance to make resolutions. Today's New Moon is your chance to think how you can improve your home; and also how you can improve your relationships with family members. This should be easy for you to ponder.
Today's New Moon urges you to think about your everyday contacts and your style of communicating with others. Are you clear in all your communications? Do you really hear others, or are you just waiting for your turn to speak?
Money, money, money. Today is the only New Moon that asks you to think about what you really value. What do you want for your money? What possessions do you value? Aside from money and possessions - what really matters to you?
Today the only New Moon all year is taking place in your sign. That makes this the perfect time to take a realistic look in the mirror and ask yourself what you can do to improve your appearance. What kind of image do you create in your world?
Once a year, the New Moon occurs in each of the 12 signs. Today's New Moon is your chance to think about your spiritual values. What is it that you truly believe? Not just intellectually but at a gut level? It doesn't have to be formal dogma.
You are a social sign and friends are important to you. Today the only New Moon all year that focuses on friendships is taking place for you. Do you like the friends you have? What can you do to be a better friend? Would you like to have you as a friend?
The only New Moon all year that occurs at the top of your chart is here today. That's why this is the perfect day for you to ask yourself if you are happy about the direction you are taking in your life. Are you headed where you want to go?
What further training, education or even travel can you do to enrich and improve your life? This is the kind of thing many Sagittarians think about; but today's New Moon really highlights this question. How would you answer this?
People skills are important. One aspect of these skills is knowing how to relate to others even when their values differ from your values. After all, we are not all alike. Think about how you respect or don't respect someone because their values are different from yours. (It's tough.)
Today the only New Moon all year that is directly opposite your sign is taking place. That makes this the best day of the year for you to ask yourself how you can improve your closest relationships. Ideas?
What can you do to improve your job - how you do your job, what your attitude to your job is, how you can be more efficient. Should you did get a different job? And while you're on this self-improvement kick - how can you improve your health?
Actress Mila Kunis (1983) shares your birthday today. You analyze life around you. Sometimes you embody it. You reflect what you learn and often teach or reveal it to others. This year you will face a major decision. Save your money in the first half of the year and cut down on overhead expenses because this will help you later in the year. Your integrity and patience will be tested.