We have the "all clear" today to do business. The Moon is in Cancer.
Be patient with family members today because you might run out of something vital for breakfast. In fact, your home routine could be interrupted because small appliances break down or minor breakages occur. You have to expect the unexpected today. Stay chill.
This is an accident-prone day for you so pay attention to everything you say and do. Slow down and take it easy. Be careful you don't blurt something out that you later regret mentioning. On the upside, you might have brilliant flashes of genius. Who knows?
Something unexpected might impact your finances and cash flow today. You might also affect your possessions. Therefore, keep your eyes open. You might find money; you might lose money. Guard your possessions against loss or theft. Be smart and alert.
Today the Moon is in your sign; however, it is at odds with wild, unpredictable Uranus. Don't be hasty to jump to conclusions. Also, don't be hasty to take offense. It's easy to be impatient with details, restraints and responsibilities because you feel rebellious and freedom loving today!
You feel a vague sense of emotional unrest today, and you might not even know why. It's just a feeling. Don't worry about this because it's a fleeting thing and will be gone by tomorrow. Nevertheless, little surprises and revealed secrets might catch you off guard. Be appropriately dressed for the unexpected.
A discussion with a female might not go as you expect it to. This person might throw a curve ball at you. Alternatively, you might meet someone who is unusual and different. This is a day full of surprises. Emotional outbursts from some people will be par for the course. Steel yourself.
Discussions with authority figures - parents, bosses, teachers and the police could be the source of a surprise for you. Because you feel independent, rebellious and freedom loving, your attitude might irk someone. Don't overreact if news from on high is startling or troublesome.
Travel plans will be cancelled, interrupted, delayed or changed today. Meanwhile, your dealings with people from other cultures and other countries will also be subject to setbacks and delays. On the upside, you might make a breakthrough with another culture.
Something unexpected might impact your finances, especially as they relate to others. This could include debt, taxes, inheritances and insurance issues and anything to do with shared property. Be on the lookout for something unexpected in these areas.
Minor upsets, irritations and annoyances with others (especially partners and close friends) are likely today. For starters, this particular Moon is opposite your sign so there is a bit of a challenge there. In addition, it is at odds with wacky Uranus. Use all the diplomacy you can muster.
Computer crashes, cancelled meetings, staff shortages and operational glitches could cause delays to your work routine today. It's also a mildly accident-prone day at work. Therefore, keep your wits about you. Wit is more often a shield than a lance. (That is a very old saying that seems apropos today.)
This is an accident-prone day for your kids or children in your care so be vigilant. It's also a classic day for a lover's spat because people are impatient, impulsive and feeling slightly nervous or stressed-out. However, your artistic abilities might be amazing today. This is because you're not afraid to think out-of-the-box.
Actor Richard Madden (1986) shares your birthday today. You have excellent financial savvy. You are also active and lively. You can charm your way into or out of anything. This is the year you have been waiting for. It's a time of great activity and expansion. Use these opportunities! A major change might take place, perhaps as significant as what occurred around 2006. It's time to try your wings!