We have the "all clear" today to do business and make big decisions. The New Moon occurs in Aquarius at 6:47 PM EST.
Don't worry about the gloom today because the whole world feels this way to some extent. It's easy to feel discouraged and at loose ends. This feeling passes quickly, so don't let it get you down. Instead focus on new ideas and new objectives.
The New Moon today is the perfect time to think about the role that friends play in your life. Friendships are important to your quality of life, and even your health. If you want to have more friends - be friendly. It's that simple. (Think about it.)
Today's New Moon is perhaps the best day all year to think about your life direction in general. Are you headed where you want to go? Admittedly, this is also a gloomy day, where one can feel discouraged. Don't let this get you down.
This is a good day to ask yourself what further education or training you could get that will improve your job or enhance your life. By the same token, can you travel somewhere to enrich your life? Think of what be possible.
Today's New Moon highlights shared property and how your money is involved with others, including debt. You might feel discouraged today; nevertheless, the New Moon is always a good time to make resolutions.
Because the Moon is at odds with Saturn today, there's a discouraging element in the air, especially relating to others. Yet ironically, this is also a New Moon day, which is perfect for resolutions. Think how you can improve your closest relationships. Ideas?
What can you do to improve your job or get a better job? These are classic questions for today's New Moon. In addition, you might want to think about how you can improve your health. The New Moon is the perfect time to begin new habits and new directions.
This year you can put your name up in lights and get respect for what you do. Today's New Moon however, urges you to balance your work and play energy. Do you have a good balance between work and play? Do you make time to express your creativity?
Although someone older might discourage you in some way today; nevertheless, use the energy of today's New Moon to make some resolutions about how to improve your home and also how to improve your relationship with family members. You can't lose.
Don't be discouraged today; don't fall into worry mode. Instead, use the energy of today's New Moon to think how you can improve relations with siblings and relatives, neighbours and your daily contacts. How can you enrich your daily trap line?
Now your focus is on money, earnings and cash flow. Today's New moon is the only New Moon all year that encourages you to think about how you can improve your finances, and also how you can get the best use out of what you already own.
Today the only New Moon in your sign all year has arrived. Take a realistic look in the mirror and ask yourself what you can do to improve the image you create in your world. After all, appearances are everything. Well, almost.
Director John Hughes (1950-2009) shares your birthday today. You have great sensitivity, which you often express in the arts. You are philosophical, and have the power to magnetize others through your words and actions. You take the long view in any situation; you wait before you act. This year is the beginning of a fresh, new nine-year cycle for you. Open any door! Start a new business activity.