We have the "all clear" today to do business (whether $10 or $10 million) and make important decisions. The Moon is in Libra.
Sudden opportunities to take a vacation, get a break in the arts ("I got the audition!"), succeed in sports or enjoy gratifying relationships with children exist today. Not only that - love at first sight might blossom and existing relationships will be reinvigorated. Yowzah!
Keep your eyes open because unusual real-estate opportunities might suddenly fall in your lap today. Similarly, you might have a chance to buy something for your home that really pleases you. Or you might spontaneously entertain at home. Something will make your home life easier and happier.
This is a powerful day for writers, salespeople and those involved in teaching and acting because your mind is bubbling with and testing ideas today. You're in the zone. You can talk your way in or out of anything. Spontaneous short trips will delight you.
This is an excellent day for business and commerce because unexpected opportunities and advantages might suddenly fall in your lap. For some of you, this could be a new job opportunity or chance to explore another way to make money.
This is the classic day where you might experience a windfall or a sudden stroke of good luck because Jupiter is in your sign dancing with unpredictable Uranus. Get out of bed, shower and get dressed. You have to help Lady Luck make her mark. Think positive and expect a miracle.
Something might happen today that triggers an epiphany within you. You might suddenly have startling revelation or deeper understanding or appreciation of something. It will be like a Eureka moment. "My dog has fleas!"
A friend might surprise you with a wonderful opportunity today. Or perhaps your relationship with a group will bring you an unexpected chance to pursue further goals or achieve something you want to do. It's a fortunate day for you dealing with others. People will help or benefit you in some way.
Something out of the blue might boost your reputation today. For some reason, your name is on other people's lips. In the same vein (different arm) a wonderful chance to get a better job or get a promotion or a raise might also fall in your lap. This is a super day!
Unexpected opportunities to travel might suddenly materialize. Similarly, a chance to take a course or attend school or get further training might come your way. The same wonderful opportunities might affect publishing, media, medicine and the law. Yippee!
Keep your pockets open because today you can benefit from the wealth and resources of others. This could happen through inheritances, how something is divided, money back from the government, a gift or even your partner might receive a bonus for a raise. Looking good!
Something will sweeten your closest relationships today. You might share a lovely social moment together - a long lunch, a pleasant dinner, or good times with friends. Some of you might meet someone who is thrilling and different. This positive influence might also affect your relations with the general public.
This is the day for unexpected job opportunities. You might improve your job or get a raise. Others might sing your praise. Surprise work-related travel might fall in your lap. Something might improve where you work like new equipment or the introduction of a pleasant co-worker. It's all good.
Actress Catherine Zeta-Jones (1969) shares your birthday today. You are disciplined and hard-working. You value family and loved ones, even though you might be critical of them. (You're a perfectionist.) This is the year you have been waiting for! It's a time of expansion and great activity. Take advantage of opportunities. A major change might take place, perhaps as significant as what occurred around 2005. It's time to try your wings!