We have the "all clear" today to do business (whether $10 or $10 million) and make important decisions. The Moon is in Virgo.
Home crafts or shopping for personal hygiene items are good choices today. Make a To Do list, do errands and cross things off your list. You'll get a sense of satisfaction. You might also want to do a service for someone else.
This is a good day for you because the Moon is in Virgo, which is an Earth sign, and Taurus is also an Earth sign, so you feel comfortable and happy in your skin. It's a playful day with a promise of flirtatious fun. Enjoy sports events and time with kids.
You might want to cocoon at home today. You feel introspective and will welcome privacy. A conversation with a female relative (Mom?) could be significant. Just relax and enjoy your day.
This is a busy day because you have people to talk to and errands to do. In conversation with others, you want to get down to the nitty-gritty of things. You won't be satisfied with superficial chitchat about the weather. ("How's your sex life?")
If you have to weed through your possessions to so recycle or give things away, this will be a tough day because you identify with what you own today. You have a strong attachment to your stuff. Oh well. ("Put that down.")
Today the Moon is in your sign, which can make you a bit more emotional than usual. The good news is it can make you a bit luckier. You will also want to relate closely to friends and family. ("I need to be loved.")
Work alone or behind the scenes because there is a vibe today that makes you want to hide from the busyness around you. And this is perfectly okay. You don't have to dance on the table with a lampshade on your head all the time.
A discussion with a female friend is significant today. You might want to share a confidence, or vice versa, someone might want to confide in you. It's also a good day to share ideas about your hopes for the future because the feedback from others will help you.
Something about your personal life will be public today. Furthermore, the people who will notice or hear are actually authority figures - bosses, parents, teachers, VIPs and (gulp) the police. No worries (unless you've had a crazy helicopter ride, lately.)
You have a desire to do something different today. You want to flee from boredom. You want to escape from all this! Therefore, do something different. Vary your routine. Go someplace you've never been before and talk to people who are fascinating and unusual.
Today your feelings about everything will be more intense than usual. And as if sensing this, you will have the power to attract intense people to you. You might feel possessive about something, especially shared property or your share of something. Memories from the past might also have strong hold for you.
Because the Moon is opposite your sign today, you will have to go more than halfway when dealing with others. This simply requires a bit of gracious accommodation and compromise, of which you are completely capable. (Especially if you feel good about the shoes you're wearing.)
Actress Margot Robbie (1990) shares your birthday today. You are a warm person who is receptive to the feelings of others. Sometimes you express yourself flamboyantly. You have an active fantasy life and like to appear happy. Your romantic partner is important to you. This is a year of study. You are like an opening bud in a plant because you are ready to absorb and learn. It's a time of preparation; do not act yet. Wait until next year.