We have the "all clear" today to do business (whether $10 or $10 million) and make important decisions. The Moon is in Taurus.
This is a solid day. You're in a resourceful frame of mind, which means you might see new ways to earn money or boost your income. You might also see new uses or applications for something you already own. You're very clever today. Hmmm.
This is a strong day because the Moon is in your sign and well placed. One advantage for you is you can take a realistic look in the mirror and see how you might improve your appearance. You like to look good; and hey - you never get a second chance to make a first impression.
Keep things on the down low today because you want privacy and a quiet profile. That's just fine. After all, with Sun and Mercury in your sign, you've been out there flying your colours! Therefore, use today to privately regroup and pull your act together.
A conversation with a female acquaintance today could be powerful. This person might tell you something or give you advice that makes you alter your future goals. (That is powerful.) Or you might attract someone very powerful to you today.
Do be aware that personal details about your private life might be public today - even secrets. However, whatever comes out might change your image in the eyes of others - hopefully, for the better. (Who wants to be on camera having a fight in an elevator?)
This is a great day to make travel plans or strategize what you want to do with publishing, the media, medicine, the law and anything to do with higher education. You're keen to broaden your experience of life and you want some adventure!
To start this week in a solid way, get an idea of what you owe and what you own. Check out your bank account, your debt scene - the whole enchilada. Just the knowledge of what's happening will empower you. A gift might come your way today. Fingers crossed!
Because the Moon today is opposite your sign today, you will have to go more than halfway when dealing with others. This just means a little compromise and tolerance on your part. No biggie. With fair Venus in the act, all will be smooth and charming.
Make a To-Do list today to give yourself a warm feeling in your tummy. You have a strong desire to get better organized and feel like you are on top of your scene. De-clutter your home and workspace. Figure out what you want to do this week. What's the story?
While some people are in work mode today, especially because it's Monday, by contrast - you feel like playing! (Lucky Capricorns are on vacation.) Enjoy sports events, social occasions with others, playful times with children and exciting flirtations. Yahoo!
Your focus has been on vacations and playful activity lately (including children), which is why today you might seek out a chance to cocoon at home. If you can do this - great. Conversations with a female relative or parent might be significant.
You're in the mood for serious conversation with others today. You want the skinny - the nitty-gritty facts. You do not want to be sidetracked with superficial chitchat about the weather. You're prepared to be candid and forthright and you expect the same.
Actress Helena Bonham Carter (1966) shares your birthday today. People are attracted to you. Your desire to be free is often challenged by your loyalty to family. No matter how extroverted you appear, basically, you are private, especially about your feelings. Your interaction with others will benefit you in the year ahead so reach out to people. Help them. Form working units because ultimately, you will help yourself in the end.