We have the "all clear" today to do business (whether $10 or $10 million) and make important decisions. The New Moon is in Aries at 2:45 PM EDT.
The only New Moon in your sign all year is taking place today. That makes this the perfect day to take a look in the mirror and ask yourself what you can do to improve your appearance. How can you create a better impression on your world? (There must be something.)
Today's New Moon urges you to be introspective and give more thought to your inner, private world. How do you feel about your life? How do you feel at this very moment? What motivates you to do what you do every day and in the future?
The New Moon today is the best time all year to think about your goals for the future. How can you make your dreams and hopes a reality? Today is the day to think about this. Once you commit to a plan of action, it's amazing how Providence moves, too.
Each month the New Moon takes place in a different place in your chart. Today's New Moon is at the top of your chart, which means it's the best day of the year to think about your life direction in general. Are you headed where you want to go?
What further education or training can you get that will improve your job? And what further travel or experiences or learning can you get that will enrich your life? These are the questions to ask yourself on this New Moon day.
Think about your responsibilities to others and what you share with them. This is a good day to think about how your values differ from the values of others and how you can reach a compromise. These are challenges for anyone.
Today's New Moon is directly opposite your sign. This is only time all year this occurs. That's why this is perhaps the best day of the year for you to give serious thought to your partnerships and close friendships. How can you be a better friend to others?
What can you do to improve your job? Perhaps you can get a better job? Or could you improve your existing job, or even your attitude to your job? Similarly, how can you improve your health? These are questions for today's New Moon for Scorpio.
You love to be outdoors. You enjoy animals and sports. And you gamble on life! Today's New Moon focuses on these issues. In particular, it's your chance to ask yourself if you are balancing your work with enough play.
Each New Moon is a chance to make resolutions. Today's New Moon for your sign focuses on home, family and your personal world. How can you improve your relations with family members? What can you do to make your home more welcome?
We are social creatures and communications are vital. This is a good day to ask yourself how you can improve your communications with daily contacts, siblings, relatives and neighbours. If you want a friendly interaction - be friendly!
More than any other sign, your belief about what you can earn will determine your earnings. If you feel you could never earn a certain amount - you never will. What are your beliefs about what you can earn? How much do think you're worth?
Singer Celine Dion (1968) shares your birthday today. You are intelligent and have an amazing, driving energy. You are intense, hard-working and many of you are self-taught. It's important for you to receive appreciation for what you do and create. This is a year of growth for you. Work to build or construct something. Do what you can to strengthen your financial position but avoid major changes - just yet.