Avoid shopping or making important decisions from 12:20 PM until 2:30 PM EST. After that the Moon moves from Aries into Taurus.
People are prickly this morning as you will notice. Don't just shoot from the hip or say something without thinking. Count to three before you respond and you will save yourself a lot of grief and spare others as well. Go gently.
This morning everyone has frazzled nerves. That's why everything is a bit tense. Fortunately, as the day wears on, things get easier, especially for you because the Moon moves in your sign! By the end of the day, you'll have a warm feeling in your tummy.
Be patient with others in group situations today, especially females, because tempers are frayed. Some people might do a slow boil while others will respond with a sharp retort. By late in the day, things change and you feel sympathetic to someone.
Whether you realize it or not, you are in the public eye today. In fact, personal details about your private life might be on display. Avoid arguments with someone in a position of authority, especially a female. Late in the day, an escape to an exotic country seems appealing.
Difficulties with higher education, publishing, medicine, the law and the media make your teeth itch this morning. Grrrr. Try to avoid these disputes because later in the day, they disappear. In fact, as the day wears on, you feel sympathetic to others.
You might feel irritated about how things are shared. This could relate to a division of labour or shared expenses. You might feel put out or ill used. It's important to know that these feelings are short-lived and late in the day, you feel sympathetic to someone.
Difficulties with partners and close friends might arise today. After all, fiery Mars in your sign makes you unusually feisty. You might not be aware of this, but it's true. Lighten up on others. But don't roll over and play dead. After all, you have rights, too.
Relationships with others are testy this morning but they improve later in the day. The trick is to get through the morning without egg on your face. (If this happens, ketchup helps.) Later in the day, all is mellow. Enjoy good times with others.
Be patient with coworkers today because someone will irritate you. At best, relations with be icy and cool. But this is only for the morning and midday. Later in the day, the tone of everything changes completely and you look forward to fun and relaxation.
Domestic disputes might take place this morning. (Join the club we number millions. But we don't advertise it.) After the dust settles, you will feel sympathetic to someone at home. Or maybe someone will be sweet and kind to you with chocolates? (Money is always better.)
Financial issues are important to you right now and you might find yourself at odds with someone, especially a sibling. Refrain from terse words this morning because late in the day, all is forgotten. Nevertheless, with Mercury in your sign, you have a lot to say right now!
Financial disputes might take place today. Or perhaps you are upset about a possession - either sharing it, repairing it or getting it. Whatever the case, by late in the day, you're in a generous mood and willing to share anything. How flexible the human heart is.
Actor Joshua Bowman (1988) shares your birthday today. You are personally happy working on your own, without distractions. Even if you don't choose to do this, it often turns out to be the case. It's important for you to feel that you are being productive. You also like a comfortable, elegant working space. This year a major change will take place, perhaps as significant as something that occurred around 2005.