We have the "all clear" to do business (whether $10 or $10 million) and make important decisions. The New Moon today is in Sagittarius.
Today's New Moon is the best day all year to ponder what further education and training you might get to improve your job or career. For that matter, what further education (through study or travel) would enrich and enhance your life?
You're never casual about money. (Taurus is the banker of the zodiac.) The New Moon today is the perfect day to tie up loose ends with shared property, taxes, debt and all that red-tape stuff we all like to avoid. Just do it.
Today the only New Moon opposite your sign all year has arrived. This is the best day all year for you to think about how you can improve your partnerships and closest friendships. New Moons are all about new resolutions.
Ask yourself what can you do to improve your health? Just nail down two or three major things, probably connected with stopping something harmful and introducing something beneficial. (You don't have to give up Hawkins cheezies.)
Do you value and respect your creativity? The New Moon today is your chance to think about this. As children, we constantly create but by the time we're adults - we forget. What can you do to be more active in sports or creative activities?
Turn your attention to home and family today. This is where the New Moon occurs for your sign. What can you do to improve your home? What can you do to improve your relationships with family members? This is a perfect day to think how you can do this.
Each New Moon is a chance to make resolutions or set something in motion. Today's New Moon wants you to focus on your style of communicating to others, especially siblings, relatives and neighbours. What kind of report card would you give yourself?
How can you improve your financial scene? This includes how well you keep track of earnings and cash flow. Chat about your possessions. Ideally, you know what you have and it is maintained, cleaned and has a home. (Well, this would be a perfect world and nobody's perfect.)
Today the only New Moon in your sign all year is taking place. That's why this is a perfect day to take a realistic look in the mirror and ask yourself what you can do to improve your image. What kind of first impression do you create?
Whether or not you are religious or spiritual or you never think about these things, you have a code of ethics that governs you and helps you make decisions. In fact, the Golden Rule is a very good one. This is a good day to think about the rules that you live by.
It's been said that if you want to have more friends - be friendly. Indeed, this is a best day of the year for you to think about friendships. Do you hang out with quality people? Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "The only way to have a friend is to be one."
Today's New Moon takes place at the top of your chart, which is why it's the best day of the year to ask yourself if you're headed in the direction you really want to go. For starters, do you know what direction you want to go? It's rewarding to have a game plan.
Soprano Maria Callas (1923-1977) shares your birthday today. You are powerful, dynamic and energetic, but your tremendous spirit might intimidate others. Plus you can be competitive. You want to be victorious. Sometimes your swirl of activity is awe-inspiring to others. You are courageous and have a strong energy. This year you will work hard to build and construct something valuable to you. Your rewards will soon follow.