Caution: For the second day in a row, avoid shopping or making important decisions until 11:30 p.m. EDT today. After that the Moon moves from Taurus into Gemini.
This is the second day in a row where you're tempted to make financial decisions or spend money on purchases, yet all these things are not recommended. Just wait one more day. After all, you want to avoid headaches and disappointments, don't you?
Once again the Moon is in your sign and it's another Moon Alert day. (This is most unusual. The Moon Alert is rarely more than one day.) You might feel like you're walking in quicksand, struggling to make progress in what you're doing. However, this is a fun, goofy day to socialize.
Maintain a holding pattern today. You're full of bouncy energy and eager to schmooze. Use today for socializing and having fun. However, like yesterday, avoid spending money on anything other than food and don't initiate decisions.
Because you are so closely tuned to the Moon, and this is the second day of a Moon Alert, you probably feel disoriented. However, although a Moon Alert is bad for shopping or making decisions, it's a great time to schmooze, have fun and chat to others.
Be careful what you do today because you might unwittingly make a strange impression on someone in a position of authority. (It's this crazy Moon Alert that is going on for the second day, which is most rare.) If you don't know something just admit it. Don't pretend to be anything you aren't.
This is still a poor day to make serious travel plans, book reservations or make plans about medicine, the law, publishing, or higher education. Make note of all your wonderful creative ideas but wait until tomorrow to act on them.
Resist the urge to make important decisions about inheritances, shared property and anything you own jointly with others. It's true this is where your focus is right now but this is also where you could make a bad mistake. Wait until tomorrow to do anything.
This is a great day to schmooze and chat with friends and partners but keep things light. Don't agree to anything important; don't volunteer for anything; don't accept invitations. Just coast. By tomorrow, you have a green light on everything.
Although work might be flawed with errors, delays and shortages, at the same time, you might get some way-out, inventive, genius-like ideas about what you do. Make note of these but don't run them up the flagpole until tomorrow. Then, if someone salutes, awwriiight!
While others are frustrated with this second Moon Alert day, your sign can make great use of it because it allows you to be wildly creative. Write down your ideas. Respect the creative process. By tomorrow you'll know what ideas are worth keeping and what are not.
You might enjoy entertaining at home because this is such a loosey-goosey day, the only thing to do is kick back and have fun. Of course, since you're in a fun mode anyway, why not invite the gang over? Tell everyone to bring something.
This is a creative time for writers, actors and teachers because you can put a new spin on things. Your mind is full of original ideas plus you feel friendly and eager to talk to others. Nevertheless, wait until tomorrow to spend money or initiate decisions.
Actor/playwright/activist Harvey Fierstein (1952) shares your birthday today. You are a visionary and expressive. Because of your high goals, you go after what you want. You want to enlighten others and the world around you. (At times, you're revolutionary.) Your belief in what is possible keeps you going. In your year ahead, something you've been involved with for about nine years will end or diminish to create room for something new.