Moon Alert

We have the "all clear" today to do business (whether $10 or $10 million) and make important decisions. The Moon is in Pisces.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

You will be a force to contend with in the next few months because more than ever you will identify with your ideas and opinions. Yes, this will lead to arguments. Just put forth your ideas and quit trying to coerce others to agree with you.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

In the next two months, it will seem as if whatever you own (including your bank account) is your identity. Of course, this is not true. You're not your bank account. (You're what you drive and where you eat.)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

For the first time in several years, fiery Mars is in your sign to stay for six weeks boosting your energy and making you aggressive and ready to stand up for your rights. Expect increased activity and a chance to show the world would you can do!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Lots of things will be going on behind the scenes in the next few months. Someone might be working against your best interests. Be aware of this. Some of you will indulge in secret love affairs, and all of you will be more private than usual about your business.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Get ready to embrace physical activity, especially with groups, in the next few months. You might join forces with others to golf, sail, exercise, whatever. Not only will you be more active with others, you'll be competitive. Go get 'em, Tiger!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Your ambition is aroused in the next few months, more than it's been in several years. Just accept this and go for broke. Don't be afraid to assert yourself with bosses and authority figures in going after what you want. However, you will want to be your own boss.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

The next few months will be full of lots of opportunities for creative intellectual stimulation because you want to explore beliefs, concepts, ideas and profound learning. Some of you might start to write or explore publishing opportunities. Others will travel.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Your gonads will be in overdrive for the next few months, which is good news because many Scorpios are into recreational sex. However, in the next two months, you might also dispute inheritances, shared property, or be forced to re-examine your values or your position on something.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Do be patient with others in the next two months because Mars will be opposite your sign, which makes you easily annoyed with people, especially partners and close friends. Granted, they might be annoying, but your patience will be thin. Pity because patience is your only ally - it is the antidote to anger.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You'll be productive in the next few months because you're going to take pride in your work. Not only will you take pride in what you do, you will also take pleasure by accomplishing a lot. Naturally, you want credit for your accomplishments - but who doesn't?

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

You continue to want to play and amuse yourself. And the heavens are co-operating! Romance and sex will become foremost in the lives of many of you for the next several months. Sports will be appealing because you're keen to express yourself. Do be patient with children, however.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Increased chaos and activity at home are likely in the next few months. This is why you will have to be more patient with family members, especially parents. Domestic strife is possible; fortunately Venus and Jupiter will help smooth the way.

If Your Birthday Is Today

Actor Colin Farrell (1976) shares your birthday today. You have an exterior that conveys an image of being tough and cool but, in fact, you are sweet and sentimental. Nevertheless, when needed you are strong, capable, down-to-earth and you get results. In this respect, you're a self-assured straight shooter. You're also adaptable and resourceful. A lovely, social year ahead awaits you. (All your relationships will improve.)