We have the "all clear" today to shop (whether you spend $10 or $10 million) and make important decisions. The Moon is in Cancer.
This is a strong way to start your week. Although you might be involved with family activities (especially with Mom or a female relative) your strong focus is on getting organized. You're full of piss and vinegar and not afraid to delegate!
Trust your creative vibes today because you're in the zone. This is an excellent day to work in the arts, sports or with children. It's also a great day to enjoy a vacation and explore new places. Trust your hunches!
Family discussions about budgets and cash flow will be productive today. You're focused on repairs you want to make at home or ideas that you want to share with others. Talk to family members and get them on board.
The Moon is in your sign today, which makes you more emotional. Along with this, you're enthusiastic about pushing your ideas. This is a strong day for those of you who sell, market, teach, act or write for a living. You're gung-ho about something.
You're focused on cash flow, paying bills and your money scene. When it gets too out of hand, you end up in debt. (Well, everyone is in debt, but you have to stay on top of things to manage it all.) But hey, you've got good money-making ideas today. Believe in what is possible.
This is a strong day for you. (Do get out of bed.) You're ready to rally your forces and tackle anything that appeals. You're articulate, assertive and forceful. (This is because you believe in yourself.) Great day to start a new business venture or make future plans.
Your research skills are fabulous today, which is why you will enjoy looking for solutions or answers to old problems. Do be aware that aspects of your private life will be rather public for some reason. (Check your zipper.) A friend could become a lover.
Your relationship with others, especially in group situations, will be extremely positive today. People will listen to you. Furthermore, you can enlist the help of others to promote your own goals. Discussions about foreign countries or distant travel are likely.
People notice you now, especially bosses, parents and VIPs. (Incidentally, this includes the police.) Travel for pleasure totally appeals. Good day to discuss publishing ideas or anything to do with medicine and the law. Go after what you want because people in power will probably say yes.
Many of you are enjoying travelling and exploring new places and ideas at this time. Romance is affectionate and sweet. Today is a great day to grab opportunities in publishing, the media, higher education, medicine and the law. Partners and close friends are supportive.
Get all your ducks in a row at work today because you want to get better organized and this is a great day to do it. In particular, focus on red-tape details about insurance matters, inheritances, wills, estate costs, debt and taxes. This can be a highly productive day for you so hit the pavement running.
You will make headway today by working in conjunction with others. Form working units or be co-operative with partners. Travel plans or anything to do with children, sports and creative activities will flow nicely. People are ready to help you, so use this to your advantage.
Actor Colin Firth (1960) shares your birthday today. You value history, tradition and the proper way of doing things. You are always reliable yet surprisingly flexible. You are also practical. You are dedicated to your craft and you strive to create harmony and balance in your life. Many of you have a secret "inner" life. Your year ahead will be wonderfully social and relationships will blossom.