We have the "all clear" today to shop (whether you spend $10 or $10 million) and make important decisions. The Full Moon peaks in Sagittarius today at 7:12 a.m. EDT.
We have a Full Moon stirring things up and Venus and Mars are at odds with each other. This calls for diplomacy and graciousness in all your conversations with others. It's a powerful day but nothing you can't handle. Consider it a test of virtue.
Disputes about financial matters, possessions, inheritances or shared responsibilities might occur today. They could focus on the cost of children or the cost of vacations or a social event. Romantic partners might be at odds. Hmmm, stay frosty.
Demonstrate grace under pressure because the only Full Moon opposite your sign this year is taking place today. It's a once-a-year thing, so why not step up to the plate? Be patient with partners and close friends. Similarly, be patient with those at home.
You probably feel quite emotional today, but you're hiding it. (It's the energy of the Full Moon) No doubt this is out of good taste and consideration for others. You might be secretly steamed at someone but you feel muzzled. You're right - mum's the word. No regrets.
Difficulties with others, especially in group situations, might arise today. Chalk it up to the Full Moon. Don't act out. Au contraire! Consider this an opportunity to be patient and tolerant with others. Rise above all the messy stuff, especially disputes about money.
It might be challenging dealing with authority figures today: bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs. This is simply how this particular Full Moon affects your sign. Knowing this ahead of time, give these people a wide berth. Ya think?
This is an accident-prone Full Moon for your sign; therefore, slow down and take it easy. Pay attention to everything you say and do. Difficulties with travel, publishing, higher education, the media, the law and medicine are likely. Be part of the solution, not the problem.
Like Taurus, you feel caught up in squabbles about money, possessions, shared property and shared responsibilities. Perhaps it's really a matter of differing values? Don't let this ruin a friendship or your relationship with a group. Why not sit this round out?
The only Full Moon in your sign all year is taking place today. This is why you might feel some tension dealing with others or you feel a bit off-base. Disputes with authority figures and partners could occur but hey, this is nothing you can't handle. Be cool.
The Full moon that occurs today is actually taking place in a hidden part of your chart, which could mean that you are silently annoyed. (Doing a slow boil behind the scenes.) These can be so painful! And it's hard on your system. You gotta ask yourself: 10 years from now, will any of this matter?
You need to muster all your patience to deal with children, friends and groups today because of the Full-Moon energy. Remind yourself that all of this is gone in 24 hours! (The Full Moon peaked this morning.) Things are finally starting to settle down, right?
Tension at home is classic for today's Full Moon. Therefore, be kind and generous to family members and partners. Remember: The purpose of life is to be happy. Keep telling yourself this today and it will guide you in your responses to others.
Actress Angelina Jolie (1975) shares your birthday today. You're fast-thinking and intuitive. Whether you choose to or not, you attract attention. You have high standards for yourself; you love to constantly be learning. Because you're a hard worker, you throw yourself enthusiastically into projects. In the year ahead, something you've been involved with for about nine years will diminish or end to make room for something new to enter your world.