Avoid shopping or making important decisions from 4:15 PM until 8:15 PM EDT today. After that the Moon moves from Aquarius into Pisces.
Good news! The Sun enters your sign today to stay for one month, recharging your batteries for the rest of the year. This makes you stronger, healthier and more optimistic. (You're juiced!) You will easily attract favourable circumstances and important people to you.
In the month ahead, work in the wings to hatch plans and strategize what you want your new year (birthday to birthday) to be. Define and write down some goals. If you do this, you will more likely make them reality. Steer your future, don't just react to it.
You're entering a wonderfully popular six-week period. Enjoy schmoozing with others. People want to see you and vice versa. Your participation in clubs, groups and organizations will be appreciated. Tell others about your future plans.
This is the only time all year when the Sun, high in your chart, throws a spotlight on you. (This means other people notice you more than usual, especially bosses, parents and VIPs.) Please note -- this great lighting is flattering! Therefore, go after what you want.
Grab every chance to travel, study and explore more of the world. You want adventure, thrills and inspirational, new knowledge. ("Don't harsh my buzz, man.") Sign up for courses. Be a tourist in your own city. Do something out of the ordinary.
The month ahead is the perfect time to clean up your act. Focus on bills, taxes, debt, inheritances, insurance matters and shared property. Get as much done as possible. (You'll be surprised how easy it will be.) Sometimes things just fall in place.
The Sun is your source of energy, and it's as far away from you as it gets all year. This is why you'll need more sleep in the next six weeks. Respect this. Get some extra zzzz's. You will also learn how to better relate to partners and close friends.
In the month ahead, you'll be seized by a desire to be efficient, effective and productive. "I'm Man from Glad!" You'll be a veritable tornado of activity, cleaning up loose ends. Not only that, you want to get healthier. The whole enchilada!
Vacations, love affairs, romance, the Arts, the theatre, sports events and playful activities with children all beckon in the next month. You want good times, flirtations and a chance to express your creativity. Yeehaw!
Home, family and your private life will be your focus for the next six weeks. Time spent with parents will be significant. Many of you will tackle old repairs at home. Because you're still in party mode, many of you will entertain at home as well. A cozy time ahead!
The pace of your days will accelerate in the next month. Suddenly, you've got things to do, places to go, people to see. (You'll be running around with an outboard motor on your ass.) You have a strong desire to talk to others or enlighten them about something. Time with siblings will be significant.
Now your attention turns to money, cash flow and major expenditures. You're counting your pennies! You're also looking for ways to boost your earnings. Because of Mercury retrograde, you'll be most successful if you retrace your steps and apply at the places you have already contacted or worked.
Actress Rachel Blanchard (1976) shares your birthday today. You're ambitious and hard-working, which is why you achieve your goals. You're focused and maintain a busy pace because you set yourself high standards of excellence. Many of you have an appealing purity that is childlike which, ironically, hides your forceful character. In your year ahead, something you've been involved in for about nine years will end or diminish, to make room for something new.