We have the "all clear" today to shop (whether you spend $10 or $10 million) and make important decisions. The Moon is in Cancer.
You have a lot of energy to put out at home or in your family sphere today. Perhaps relatives are coming over? Perhaps you're doing a makeover to where you live? This is a good day to dive into closets, drawers and cupboards to straighten up your world.
This is a perfect day to explore your daily surroundings. Go for a drive or visit nearby stores and boutiques. Talk to relatives, neighbours and siblings. You're very curious about your immediate environment and you'll enjoy whatever is familiar.
You might want to sit down and do a little budgeting today because your focus is on money, earnings, cash flow as well as how you can get the best use of whatever you already own. In other words, you want to pull your act together with respect to your assets.
Because the Moon is in your sign today you might feel a bit more emotional about everything. However, this generally gives you a bit of an edge when it comes to good luck. Use this to your advantage! Ask the universe for whatever you want a yes answer to.
For some reason, you might deal with secret issues today. You're definitely working on something behind the scenes. If possible, this is a good day to hide somewhere and just veg out. Kick back and relax. Take a break from technology!
A conversation with a friend, probably a female acquaintance, could be significant today. You will welcome the chance to confide in someone or perhaps in turn, you are the confidant for someone else. (Don't post these secrets on Facebook.)
You'll be noticed more than usual today, especially by people in authority - parents, teachers, bosses, VIPs or the police. Be aware of this. Hopefully, the reason you're noticed is positive. ("We love and adore you!") Versus a blaring siren and a request to pull over.
Do something different because you're keen to have a little adventure. You want to learn something new and different today. Go to a neighborhood that is fascinating, especially an ethnic neighborhood or join some friends in an outdoor sports activity.
You'll feel good if you do some housekeeping regarding red-tape matters with bills, taxes, debt and budgeting. Try to get on top of some of this stuff before it becomes too much of a nightmare. (Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.) Aagghh!
Because the Moon is directly opposite your sign today, you will have to go more than halfway when dealing with others. This is no biggie. It simply means a little compromise, a little extra consideration and a little understanding for where someone else is coming from. Got it?
Because you probably have an urge to become more organized today, capitalize on this energy! Roll up your sleeves and get to work. Do whatever you can to feel more in control of where you live and where you hang out. You want your life to be more efficient, effective and productive! Yes!
A playful day! Do get out and schmooze. Physical sports, playful times with children, the theatre, movies, casual get-togethers or a pleasant drive in the country will all delight. Artists might be unusually productive in creating something wonderful. It's a pleasant day!
Flamboyant, outspoken hockey commentator Don Cherry (1934) shares your birthday today. You're an excellent communicator. You have strong verbal skills, which make you very persuasive. You hold firm opinions, which you don't hesitate to express. You are ethical and will always fight for the underdog. You are quick to see things and share your observations with others. A lovely, social year ahead awaits you. It is particularly beneficial for relationships.