Avoid shopping or making important decisions, from 6:00 PM until 9:30 PM EDT today. After that, the Moon moves from Aquarius into Pisces.
Cozy couples will be glad to hear this is a romantic Friday. Make plans to have a candlelight dinner. Discussions will be tender, idealistic and mutually sympathetic. You can discover why you fell in love with each other once again. (Someone paid me to say this.)
Because you feel sympathetic with a co-worker or somebody related to your job (or any task), you will help them if you possibly can. In turn, someone might give you helpful suggestions that could positively impact your health. People are ready to be supportive to each other.
"A jug of wine, a loaf of bread - and thou." (Or are you allergic to wheat?) Slip away on a little vacation. Plan a date with a loved one or a good friend. This is a wonderful day to party in this sweet, affectionate way with others. Life is good. If you believe in fairies, clap your hands!
Discussions with family members will be mutually supportive and sympathetic today. This is a good day to figure out how you can help a loved one or vice versa. If you make an appeal to family - they will respond. Some of you will also want to re-decorate and make where you live look more beautiful.
Your imagination is in overdrive today. That's why it's a lovely day for those of you who write, teach, act or use your communication skills in any way to make a living. Your ability to visualize is unusually enhanced right now as well. Alternatively, you might daydream a lot.
If shopping today, you will have a tough time resisting elegant, luxurious items. They look so appealing! You might also want to buy beautiful things for others, especially loved ones. In fact, you feel generous to those who have less, and especially to those who are needy.
You feel sympathetic to others today. Naturally, this makes you tolerant, co-operative and genuinely interested in what others have to say. In turn, people will respond to you because you're listening with interest. They find it refreshing. Be as helpful as you can.
You won't mind putting the needs and welfare of others before your own today. You're not being a martyr, you simply want to help those in need, in a genuine way. Your reward is the satisfaction of seeing you can make a difference in the life of someone else.
You might be involved with a group today that has charitable ambitions. You'll find it rewarding to join others to help someone in need. Alternatively, someone in this group might suddenly look quite appealing and you could develop a crush. Well, that's a bonus!
People perceive you as being kindhearted and sympathetic today. This could be because of something you say or do or it could be because you will use your influence with someone else so that their authority helps others. Either way, you can be a force for good today.
Because your appreciation of beauty is heightened today, visit beautiful places -- gorgeous buildings, parks, museums and galleries. You might be drawn to unusual teachings or human potential movements. You might even fall in love with someone from a different culture.
If you can use shared property or the shared resources of others to help someone in need - you will. You feel very sympathetic to others today. Kindness is important and so this is a good thing; nevertheless, don't give away the farm.
TV personality Simon Cowell (1959) shares your birthday today. You're committed to your ideals, and you have strong beliefs. One might call you a "charming rebel" because of your independence and cocky confidence. You can be extremely focused when you want to be, which often leads to brilliant insights. In the year ahead, an important choice awaits you. Choose wisely.