We have the "all clear" today to shop (whether you spend $10 or 10 million) and make important decisions. The Moon is in Libra.
Happy birthday! The Sun is back in Aries for the first time in a year. This will wonderfully re-energize you in the weeks to come. In fact, it's your turn to recharge your batteries for the rest of the year. The Sun also attracts favourable circumstances and important people to you. Party on!
In the month ahead, you are best served by working behind the scenes or working alone. Try to find some time to strategize what you want your new year (birthday to birthday) to be all about. A little planning and goal setting could make all the difference in how much you achieve in 2011.
A popular month ahead! Do get out and schmooze. You will particularly enjoy talking to others and mingling with groups, clubs and associations. In fact, if you share your goals and dreams for the future with others, their feedback will help you. Try it.
During the next six weeks, the Sun will slowly cross the top of your chart, calling attention to you. That's because it highlights you, as it were, so that bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs notice you more than usual. Fortunately, this good lighting flatters you!
Travel, publishing, the media, plus opportunities to explore further education or avenues in medicine and the law are all areas that will open up for you in the month ahead. It's all quite exciting! You want to broaden your horizons. You want to learn more and you want some adventure!
In the month ahead, your focus will be on inheritances, shared property, taxes, debt and the wealth of others. Therefore, clean up as many loose details as you can in these areas. Meanwhile, back in the boudoir, some of you will be having sexy time! (Take a number.)
Because the Sun is now moving directly opposite your sign, you are going to need more sleep than usual in the month ahead. No question. After all, the Sun is your source of energy. Therefore, get more rest, and be patient with others.
Your desire to get better organized is going to be strong in the month ahead. Therefore, capitalize on this urge! Make plans about what you want to do. Get the right equipment to do a great job. Do yourself this favour - you'll love yourself for it later.
It's playtime for Sagittarians! This is probably one of the best times all year for you to get away on a vacation. Your mandate is simple - you want to have fun! Enjoy sports, playful times with children, and the extra boost that romance gets for your sign! (Lucky you.)
It's all about home, family and your domestic world in the next six weeks. Discussions with family members, especially parents will be significant. Many of you are entertaining or doing home repairs. Others want to hunker down and hide for a bit. (Shhh.)
Because the tempo of your days is accelerating in the next month, just accept this. This is not the time to stay at home. Au contraire! Short trips, increased reading, writing and studying, plus running errands will keep you on the go.
You're thinking about how to boost your earnings and earn more money. (Good! This is totally possible for your sign.) In fact, your chances to boost your income are the best they've been in 12 years! Trust your moneymaking ideas.
Actress Holly Hunter (1958) shares your birthday today. You know how to wear a lot of hats. You love the arts, music, and are also interested in paranormal activity. You're a romantic. Your wide range of interests certainly makes you versatile in your field. In the year ahead, something you've been involved with for about nine years will diminish or end to make room for something new to enter your world.