We have the "all clear" today to shop (whether you spend $10 or 10 million) and make important decisions. The Moon is in Taurus.
Discussions about politics, religion, philosophy, racial issues or foreign countries will be lively today! You want to learn as much as you can and at the same time, you want to show others how much you know.
You're willing to fight for your share of something today. You'll stand up for what you are owed or for your fair share. No question. You might choose to defend your situation about taxes, debt, insurance matters or an inheritance. You're willing to fight for it!
You've been testy with others because Mars has been opposite your sign for some time now. What this does is make you easily impatient with other people. (They love it.) Today you might find yourself in a lively debate with a partner or close friend. Go gently. (Ya think?)
You have a strong need to communicate something at work today. You want others to listen to you because you believe so strongly in your ideas! Actually, you identify with your ideas. But hey -- where is your objectivity?
This is a wonderfully creative day! You've got lots of energy to come up with new ways of expressing yourself through whatever medium you choose. Romantic discussions will be equally intense and competitive. This is also a high-energy day for sports!
Family discussions are lively! You might defend your position or defend someone else. Whatever happens, you're not open to compromise. You're emphatic about what you're saying -- to siblings, relatives and neighbours. They had better listen up!
You will win any argument today. Your mental processes and your speaking abilities are so strong that you can out talk, out think, and out wit anyone. You're very much in command if you teach, act, sell, market or need to present your case about anything.
You're highly opinionated today about financial matters. This is why you're prepared to say what you mean and mean what you say. Perhaps you have moneymaking ideas and you're trying to convince others to agree with you?
You have a lots of strong, intellectual, mental energy today! Because of this, you can accomplish a lot! The only downside is you'll be inclined to take stuff too seriously -- so do avoid arguments and fights with others. It's just not worth it. Figure out what really matters and stick with that.
Your research skills are fantastic today! You have lots of mental energy to go after whatever you're looking for. You won't give up until you find it. You're like a dog with a bone. You look under every rock. Part of what drives you is you're doing something private or secret or sneaky. Hmmmm. (Stroking chin.)
You might end up in a tiny fight with someone in a group situation today. (Could grow into a big fight.) It's important to let somebody else have their opinions too. Conversations are like a dance. You step forward when it's your turn, but then you step backwards to allow the other person to step forward. Right?
You might threaten bosses or authority figures with your very strong opinions today. You identify so strongly with what you're saying! While this is generally a good thing, there's no point in alienating anyone, especially if they have power over you, or might even be able to help you. (Like duh?) Nevertheless, you sound impressive!
US Vice-President Joe Biden (1942 ) shares your birthday today. You never hesitate to defend your ideas or your beliefs. Your idealism is central to your survival. Others might view you as rebellious, but you see yourself as loyal to your values. You're interested in and attracted to all walks of life. What you learned this year will take you into 2011, which will be one of the most powerful years of your life.