Caution: Avoid shopping or making important decisions from 9 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. today. After that, the Moon moves from Aries into Taurus.
Avoid power struggles that are inevitable with partners and close friends today. Who needs this? Not you. It's simply a clash of wills. Each party wants to be right. Far better to keep the friendship, don't you agree? ("Don't quibble, Sybil.")
Arguments about work and the best way to do things or possibly the best way to approach better health will easily erupt today. But these are just a clash of egos. The more you push, the greater resistance you will create. Lighten up!
This is a rocky day for romance. In fact, it could be a breakdown in a relationship. If you don't want this to happen, zip thy lip. This is an extremely poor day for heated discussions about anything. Just be charming and agreeable. You wont' regret it.
Resist the urge to make improvements with family members or to tell others how to improve things at home. People don't want to hear this. Of course, neither do you. People are tempted to meddle in the lives of others because they think they know better. (Go back to bed.)
Avoid arguments about who is right or what is right because in the end, you will only lose. Arguments and disputes today are not about the issues, they are simply power struggles. Why make your life more difficult? Let go of your need to be right or to win. Big deal. Relationships are more important.
Clashes about money and possessions easily take place today. Everyone has an opinion about how money should be spent. Everyone has an opinion about how something should be best used. It's all talk. Empty talk. Don't get sucked into this.
You will likely encounter very powerful forces today -- people who oppose you or situations that are impossible to surmount. Quit banging your head against the wall. Accept the fact you might have to take a detour or change your plans. Is this such a big deal?
There might be people who are working behind the scenes against your best interests. If you suspect this is the case, you are probably right. Trust your gut instincts because they are not often wrong. Resist the urge to meddle or pry in other people's affairs today.
In all likelihood, you will meet a very powerful person today who might be difficult for you to handle. "Hi Darth." Possibly, you are the powerful person that other people encounter? It's as if you have to face a test one way or the other. Quite likely, it's time to let go of something. Am I right?
Do not oppose authority figures today because it won't be pleasant. "Talk to the hand!" Power struggles with others are classic. It will be very difficult to get permission or approval. Far better to postpone this and wait for another day. At best, compromise is your solution.
Avoid heated debates about politics, religion, racial issues, philosophical questions, foreign cultures, and the law. It will all be just a lot of hot air. People in authority are difficult to deal with today. Someone might make you account for yourself. (I hate that.)
Someone might question your judgment about something that us to be shared or divided. You might even feel insulted about this. If you are questioning somebody else, be careful. It's hard to develop trust in others today. People are suspicious and defensive!
Actor Michael Douglas (1944) shares your birthday today. Without question, you are hard working and goal oriented. You intend to achieve great things. Many of you become symbols or icons for certain qualities in society. You have a probing mind and are often involved in reforming society. A detached veneer hides your genuine warmth. Exciting new beginnings this year could lead to a focus on partnerships in 2011.